PDF Download • Palestrina “Alleluia” (SATB) for the Ordinary or Extraordinary Form
Last week, a major bombshell was dropped with regard to two major publishing companies of Catholic hymnals.
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
Last week, a major bombshell was dropped with regard to two major publishing companies of Catholic hymnals.
“I believe (though I could be wrong) the USCCB website is correct and Jeff is wrong.” —Father J. Haley
“Perhaps in no other area is there a greater distance between what the Council worked out and what we actually have.” —Professor Louis Bouyer
I’d love to hear you sing this!
What we do undeniably involves a type of “performance.”
Including the official hymn for February 2nd: the feast of the Purification.
I demonstrate how the “Kyrie Eleison” can be adapted for use in the Extraordinary Form.
A major announcement on 8 January 2024!
I write in response to the 6 July 2022 statement by Pope Francis: “Make your voices heard! If they do not listen to you, shout even louder.”
Destroying the season of Epiphany was in direct disobedience to Vatican II.
Louis Bouyer—the priest chosen to compose “Eucharistic Prayer II”—condemned the liturgical reforms when he saw the results.
No sane person would claim that tunes by Marty Haugen, David Haas, or Rory Cooney constitute polyphony.
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