PDF Download • “Psalm Comparison Chart”
This PDF chart will be of interest to Catholic musicians!
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
Will anyone step forward to defend this?
I didn’t have the heart to tell this fellow that the same melody occurs at other times of the liturgical year.
They were: (1) Cardinal Palazzini; (2) Cardinal Stickler; (3) Cardinal Mayer; (4) Cardinal Oddi; (5) Cardinal Casaroli; (6) Cardinal Gantin; (7) Cardinal Innocenti; (8) Cardinal Ratzinger; (9) Cardinal Tomko.
Cardinal Antonelli: “I have the impression that much has been conceded to the Protestant mentality, especially in matters regarding the sacraments.”
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Is backroom bowdlerization of Sacred Scripture truly irreversible?
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I beg you on my hands and knees to read verses 12-20.
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“The faithful everywhere have responded generously, and have greeted the new liturgy with great joy.” —Archbishop Bugnini (1967)
At the height of their usage, there were proper sequences for nearly every Sunday and feast day.
Pressure will be brought to have him walk back his statements, but I don’t believe he will.
“Many of those who have influenced the reform have no love, and no veneration of that which has been handed down to us.” —Secretary of the Consilium
In spite of all the progress our civilizations have made, the self-appointed “expert liturgists” are regressing.
“The present welter of discardable booklets, mimeographed sheets, divergent paperback hymnals, and so on … has unfortunate psychological effects.” — Dr. James Hitchcock
“Complete equality of status for the old rite of Mass alongside the new rite … is just not going to happen.” — Fr. Brian W. Harrison (26 March 1995)
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