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Search Results for: simple english propers
“Proper Of The Mass” (Ignatius Press) • Part 1 of 7
Fr. Samuel Weber is undoubtedly one of the modern masters of setting English chant.
It Has Arrived! • “Proper of the Mass” (Ignatius)
You will notice that Fr. Weber’s version sounds quite similar to the authentic Latin chant.
Improve Your Parish Liturgy … Instantly!
Have you noticed the change in atmosphere when people dress fancy, as opposed to tank tops with jeans?
Modal Responsorial Psalms & Gospel Acclamations
283 pages, softcover • View Table of Contents Click here to purchase this bound book. You can also download the entire book [PDF]. Complete Psalms and Gospel Acclamations (Years A, B, C, and ABC) for Sundays, Solemnities, and Feasts (including Chrism Mass and Extended Pentecost Vigil). Also included are Nuptial and Funeral Masses. Features: Durable […]
Any Hope For Modern Catholic Hymnody? Yes!
Major publishers include Haugen’s verse “not in some heaven, light-years away”—what can be done about it?
Important Resources for Liturgical Reform (7 of 7)
“Who could have anticipated such a Renaissance of music-making in the desert of postmodernity? Yet this was but the first wave, and now we are enjoying a second…”
Important Resources for Liturgical Reform (5 of 7)
“Simple English Choral Propers” by Jon Naples
A Different Offering
What about NOT having congregational song during the Offertory?
Basic Steps To Improve Music At Your Parish — Part 2
I have been asked to recommend some ways in which any parish in the United States could improve the music used at Mass. Some parishes may already have taken the following two steps, in which case my advice will be nugatory for them, but if your parish has not yet done so, now’s the time to begin.
First Time Attending A Novus Ordo Mass
If you can explain why the GLORY & PRAISE has an eagle flying across page 37, you get a cookie.
Antiphons in the Gradual don’t match the Roman Missal, 3rd edition?
Why aren’t the Propers from the Roman Gradual identical to the Mass Propers printed in the Roman Missal? • “Recent research … has made it clear that the antiphons of the Order of Mass were never intended to be sung.” — Bishop Donald Trautman (2007)+
The Mystery of Missal vs. Gradual has been solved!
Are there concrete reasons to prefer the ancient texts from the Roman Gradual? Short answer: Yes!
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Liturgical Translations
This is no hybrid: it’s an elegant, accurate, modern, unified English translation of the Graduale!
Catholic Youth Choir Releases CD, Prepares For Tour
The Blackstone Valley Catholic Youth Choir, currently preparing for a mid-Atlantic tour, has released a new CD, “Clothed With the Sun.”