“I grew up in an Italian-American family.” —Feedback from a priest.

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AI, Primary Things, & Our Parish Choir
By Adam Raha
Every Sunday, my family and I really want to attend no other Mass than the one the choir is singing at.

PDF Download • “Musical Booklet” (16 Pages) — Solemnity of the Annunciation: 25 March
A simple Mass for Cantor + Organist.

PDF Download • Palestrina “Alleluia” (SATB) for the Ordinary or Extraordinary Form
Last week, a major bombshell was dropped with regard to two major publishing companies of Catholic hymnals.

A Youth Revolution in Sacred Music
“I have a challenge for each of our readers.” —Dr. Lucas Tappan

“Opportunity of a Lifetime” • Don’t Miss This!
The vast majority of these women had never sung plainsong—but they’ve taken to it like a duck to water.

Reader Feedback • “Reform of the Reform”
“Throughout those 40+ years, I designed the music liturgy according to my sense of entertainment, failing to realise what it was supposed to be until much later.” —Chad H.

Can Catholics Fulfill the Sunday Obligation on Saturday Night? • What Happened In 1983?
This concession was granted in part due to “the enormous and ever increasing frequency of weekend trips and skiing excursions…”

“I Hate, Loathe, and Utterly Despise the Trivial Details of Ceremonies.” —Father Adrian Fortescue
“I want never to hear another word about ceremonies for as long as I live. I would rather discuss the symptoms of cancer.” —Dr. Fortescue

Our Own Richard J. Clark Conducts 250 Children in Chant & Polyphony!
Reclaiming Gregorian Chant for children at the New England “Pueri Cantores” choral festival & Mass.

Re: Cardinal Roche Interview (6 March 2025)
For a number of reasons, this statement sounds fishy.

“My Song Is Love Unknown” • Jeff Attempts to Sing All Parts … Including the Female Voices!
Few Catholics seem to realize it was Pope Pius XII who suppressed Tenebrae, a ceremony deeply loved by the faithful for centuries.

Watch David Poon Defeat Jeff in His Own “Hymn Challenge” — Re: The English Method
Bonus! Six (6) of my favorite Lenten hymns.

Solmization from the Inside, Part 3
Making the case for the (very) old method of solfège, or, what is so sharp about sharp notes?

From Inspiration to Implementation • “Lenten Choral Extensions” (And a Free Gift!)
I decided to try something different for Lent…

Re: “Abuse of Catholic Church Musicians”
Listening to yourself singing isn’t fun—but it’s crucial if you wish to improve.

Did These Public Statements by Father Gelineau Cross the Threshold From Folly to Sin?
Archbishop Sheen said famously: “Freedom is a word much abused.”

Famous Italian Actor Regrets Aborting Son
“It was the mistake of my life. When I was very young, I had the chance to become a father, but I had my son aborted. Now, I’ve become very strongly against abortion.” —Andrea Roncato

A Statement That Still Fills Me With Rage
A choir isn’t some sort of fancy “add-on.”

“Ash Wednesday” • Banned after 93,000 Views!
It would be difficult to imagine “sacred music” more disturbing than this.

“Attendance Policy” • For Volunteer Catholic Choirs
There’s no application fee this year—so you have nothing to lose!

PDF Download • “Music List” for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
“One may well wonder what the origin is of this new way of thinking and this sudden dislike for the past.” —Pope Saint Paul VI

PDF Download • “Communion Antiphons” (Complete) for Ordinary Time — 238 pages!
Free Communion Antiphons for Ordinary Time: composed & harmonized by Richard J. Clark.

“Theology of Worship” • Msgr. Robert Skeris (1998)
Mother Angelica asks Monsignor Skeris why liturgical music must be sacred.

“Reform of the Reform” • Is It Dead or Alive?
In spite of what some claim, the “Reform of the Reform” isn’t dead.
PDF Downloads

Communion Chant (4th Sunday of Lent)
I have created a rehearsal video for this one.

“Entrance Chant” • 4th Sunday of Lent
This “Entrance Chant” is used during liturgical years A, B, and C.

“Music List” • 3rd Sunday of Lent
Readers have expressed interest in examining the “music list” I prepared for this coming Sunday.

“Entrance Chant” • 3rd Sunday of Lent
This “Entrance Chant” is used during liturgical years A, B, and C.

“Music List” • 2nd Sunday of Lent
Readers have expressed interest in examining the “music list” I prepared for this coming Sunday.

“Entrance Chant” • 2nd Sunday of Lent
This English adaptation uses mode 4, as does the authentic Gregorian Chant version.