“The judicious searcher in this remarkable online collection will certainly reap great rewards for his effort.” — Fr. Robert A. Skeris, Benjamin T. Rome School of Music (CUA)
HE SAINT Jean de Lalande Library is derived primarily from Jeff Ostrowski’s personal collection of rare Gregorian chant books. While it doesn’t contain every single book in his possession (some were too fragile to scan), the most important ones are there. About 23,000 pages were uploaded to the CCW server in 2008. Some very important books were thereby made available to the entire world, including: (A) the Nova Organi Harmonia of Flor Peeters and company; (B) both editions of Fr. Hermesdorff’s Graduale; (C) the 1903 Liber Usualis of Dom Mocquereau; (D) both editions of the Liber Gradualis by Dom Pothier.
Without your support, we can’t continue; please become a $5.00 donor.
Search this site by using Command+F (mac) and Control+F (windows).
* High-Resolution Viewer • 1932 GRADUEL DOMINICAL (856 pages)
—Graduel Dominical Complet en notation grégorienne et clef de sol (Dom Lucien David, 1932).
—We thank Matthew Frederes for the gorgeous viewing device.
* PDF Download • 1932 GRADUEL DOMINICAL (856 pages)
—Massively large PDF file: 417.7MB.
* High-Resolution Viewer • 1932 VESPÉRAL DOMINICAL (782 pages)
—Vespéral Dominical en notation grégorienne et clef de sol (Dom Lucien David, 1932).
—We thank Matthew Frederes for the gorgeous viewing device.
* PDF Download • 1932 VESPÉRAL DOMINICAL (782 pages)
—Massively large PDF file: 362.4MB.
* 1908 • Solesmes Abbey “Graduale” according to the Official Rhythm (1,049 pages)
—Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae De Tempore Et De Sanctis Jussu Restitutum Et Editum Cui Addita Sunt Festa Novissima Ad Exemplar Editionis Typicae Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evang. Desclée Et Socii Namurci Ad. Wesmael-Charlier 1908.
* PDF Download • “O’FALLON PROPERS” (1 of 7) —39 pages
—“Advent to Septuagesima” • Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, Missouri).
* PDF Download • “O’FALLON PROPERS” (2 of 7) —51 pages
—“Septuagesima to Easter Vigil” • Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, Missouri).
* PDF Download • “O’FALLON PROPERS” (3 of 7) —58 pages
—“Easter Vigil to the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost” • Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, Missouri).
* PDF Download • “O’FALLON PROPERS” (4 of 7) —64 pages
—“4th Sunday after Pentecost to Advent” • Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, Missouri).
* PDF Download • “O’FALLON PROPERS” (5 of 7) —84 pages
—“Common of the Saints” • Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, Missouri).
* PDF Download • “O’FALLON PROPERS” (6 of 7) —163 pages
—“Feasts of the Saints” • Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, Missouri).
* PDF Download • “O’FALLON PROPERS” (7 of 7) —24 pages
—“Plainsong Burial Rite” • Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, Missouri).
* * PDF Download • 1941 Bragers “Chant Service Book” (208 pages)
* (102 Pages) • Msgr. Hellriegel’s Hymnal (Organ Accomp.)
—Organ Accompaniment Booklet; “Holy Cross Hymnal” (1964).
—Written by Monsignor Vigilio Dalpiaz. • Published in Westminster in 1937.
—Translated by a Benedictine of Stanbrook Abbey. • Publisher: Burns, Oates & Washbourne.
* PDF Download • Mathias “ORDINARIUM MISSAE” (186 pages)
—342MB (quite large) • Organum comitans ad Kyriale seu Ordinarium missae.
* PDF Download • “Hymns Of The Roman Liturgy” (Rev. Joseph Connelly, 1955)
—Corpus Christi Watershed scanned and uploaded this for the first time in history.
—After we did that, others (including Google) also made the book available.
* PDF Download • CHRISTMAS BOOK (Harmonized)—129 pages
—Title: “The Trapp Family Book of Christmas Songs” • Arr. by Father Franz Wasner
* ROMAN GRADUAL • Extremely Rare Book from 1898—642 pages
—Römisches Gradualbuch (Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 1898) • mit deutscher Übersetzung der Rubriken und Texte.
—Mit Choralnoten im Violinschlüssel auf fünf Linien.
* PDF Download • Hymns of the Dominican Missal & Breviary • Fr. Aquinas Byrnes (1943)
—Corpus Christi Watershed scanned and uploaded this for the first time in history.
—After we did that, others (including Google) also made the book available.
A Manual of Roman Chant Compiled From Authentic Roman Sources (1860) (Father John Henry Cornell)
* PDF Download • LAUDATE NOMEN DOMINI (130 Pages) —128MB
—Offertories & Communion Hymns for all Sundays & Principal Feasts for One Voice or Chorus in Unison with Organ.
—By Father Carlo Rossini (Organist & Choirmaster Saint Paul’s Cathedral in Pittsburgh, PA)
* * PDF • Rossini’s “Exaltate Deum” (1941)
* PDF Download • SAINT DUNSTAN HYMNAL (158 pages) [14MB]
—Plainsong Hymns with Accompaniments, from the Manuscripts of Winfred Douglas (Anglican).
—“The Influence of Plainchant on the Liturgical Music of Theodore Marier” • 324 pages.
* PDF Download • “Variae Preces” (1892)
—Variæ preces ex liturgia tum hodierna tum antiqua collectae aut usu receptae.
—You can also download the 1889 edition which includes a VESPERALE.
—VESPERALE is also called: “Liber Antiphonarius Juxta Ritum Romanum Pro Vesperis Et Completorio.”
—Also included: Kyriale Ou Chants Ordinaires De La Messe (1891) with neume explanations.* PDF Download • “Cantus Varii” (1902)
—This book includes a supplement from 1895.* PDF Download • “Cantus Varii” (1928)
—Cantus Varii Ad Benedictionem SS. Sacramenti.* PDF Download • “Cantus Selecti” (1957)
—The final pages contain information about the provenance of these chants.
* PDF Download • “Liber Cantualis” (1978)
—By the “Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae.”
* PDF Download • MÜNSTER HYMNAL (123 pages)
—Orgelbuch zum Gebet- und Gesangbuch für die Diözese Münster (1953).
* PDF Download • FREIBURG CATHEDRAL HYMNAL (1961) — 308 Pages
The harmonizations found in Monsignor Stemmer’s hymnal are quite surprising and fascinating. A generous German seminarian gave us this rare hymnal (out-of-print for more than a half a century). More information about this hymnal is provided at the bottom of this article.
* PDF Download • “LIBER CANTUS GREGORIANI”—1,864 pages!
—IMPRIMATUR 28 December 1950; Dessain (Belgium).
* PDF Download • MISSALE ROMANUM (Turin, 1957)
—Beware! This file is 1.58GB.
* PDF Download • 1954 MONASTERY HYMNAL (131 pages)
File Size = 162MB • Compiled, Arranged, and Edited by Achille P. Bragers.
—57MB • “Epitome Gradualis Romani” (1,106 pages) • Professionally Scanned.
* PDF Download • “COMMUNE SANCTORUM” (Julius Bas)
—Published in 1910 • 165 pages • 75.9MB • Commune sanctorum ad exemplar editionis vaticanae concinnatum cui accedunt: Missa votiva de beata, Missa de immaculata conceptione, Missa de Spiritu Sancto, Missa pro pace; Cantum Gregorianum transcripsit et modulationibus ornavit Julius Bas ad normam editionis rythmicae a solesmensibus monachis exaratae.
—Official Title: A Treasury of Catholic Song • 312 pages.
* PDF • “CANTUS POPULI” for SSA Voices (182 pages)
—182.4MB • Cantus Populi: A Collection of Psalms, Hymns & Chants for SSA Voices (1963).
* PDF Download • “Hymnal of Christian Unity” (113 Pages)
—Harmony Edition; Published in 1964 by Clifford A. Bennett and Paul C. Hume.
* PDF Download • Cesar Franck Preface on Gregorian Accompaniment
A fascinating hymnal from 1959:
* PDF Download • St. Mark’s Hymnal (1910)
—“St. Mark’s Hymnal for Use in the Roman Catholic Church in the United States”
* PDF Download • “Chants Divers” (315 pages)
—Chants Divers Pour Les Saluts Du Très Saint Sacrement (1934).
—By Canon Ferdinand Tourte, Choirmaster of Verdun Cathedral.
—Assisted in this work by M. Kaltnecker, choirmaster of the Minor Seminary of Nancy.
* * PDF Download • Saint Rose Hymnal (1938)
* * PDF • “Low Mass Chart” (1964, the infamous “commentator”)
This 274-page file is very large:
* * PDF • Laudate Hymnal & Choir Book (1942)
* PDF Download • St. Mark’s Hymnal (1910)
—“St. Mark’s Hymnal for Use in the Roman Catholic Church in the United States”
* PDF Download • The Message of the Mass Melodies (1960)
—John C. Murrett uses the KNOX TRANSLATIONS for the Propers.
KYRIALE ROMANUM (Editio Vaticana)
* 1905 • Lecoffre KYRIALE (95 pages)
—“ORDINARIUM MISSAE” • The official edition (Editio Vaticana) • Professionally-Scanned.
—Printed before the Vatican “cracked down” on white spaces.
* 1905 • Schwann KYRIALE (99 pages) • Professionally-Scanned
—“ORDINARIUM MISSAE” • The official edition (Editio Vaticana) •
—Printed with superb attentiveness.
* 1905 • Schwann KYRIALE (123 pages)
—“ORDINARIUM MISSAE” • The official edition (Editio Vaticana) • Druck von L. SCHWANN in Düsseldorf
• KYRIALE : sive Ordinarium Missae : conforme editioni Vaticanae a SS. D.N. Pio PP. X evulgate. • Editio Schwann A. • Does not include Requiem Mass • 1905 • Duesseldorf (Germania) : Sumptibus L. Schwann, New-York, apud J. Fischer et bro., 7 et 11 Bible-house. •
* 1905 • Styria KYRIALE (243 pages)
• KYRIALE sive ORDINARIUM MISSAE • Missa pro defunctis, toni comm. Missae . . . necnon mod. Cant. Alleluja temp. pasch. • CUMM CANTU GREGORIANO EDITIONIS VATICANAE • cum approbatione S. R. C. et Ordinariatus Seccoviensis. • Editio Undecima Stereotypica. • 207+ pages • Publishing Information: 1905 • GRAECII et VIENNAE. • Sumptus Fecit “Styria” • Editor S. Sedis Apostolicae •
* 1905 • MOCQUEREAU KYRIALE (#632) Portrait
—Latin Preface • actual shape of the neumes altered by Mocquereau.
• Kyriale : seu Ordinarium missae cum cantu Gregoriano ad exemplar editionis Vaticanae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornatum. • Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes. • Latin Book Book xvi, 87 p. : music ; 21 cm. • 1905 • Romae – Tornaci. • Desclée, Lefebvre & Soc., S. Sedis Apostolicae et S. Rituum Congregationis Typographi. • Preface (in Latin) signed by Dom Andreas Mocquereau, Prior Solesmensis. • PUBLISHER NO. 632 • PORTRAIT (not landscape) •
* 1905 • MOCQUEREAU KYRIALE (#632) Landscape
—Latin Preface • actual shape of the neumes altered by Mocquereau.
• Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes • Kyriale: seu Ordinarium missae cum cantu Gregoriano ad exemplar editionis Vaticanae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornatum • Romae: Desclée, Lefebvre • Publisher number 632 • Preface (in Latin) signed by Dom Andreas Mocquereau, Prior Solesmensis. • Landscape •
* 1905 • MOCQUEREAU KYRIALE (#643)
—English Preface • actual shape of the neumes altered by Mocquereau.
• The Kyriale or Ordinary of the Mass: with Gregorian chant according to the Vatican edition: with rhythmical signs by the monks of Solesmes • xiv, 72 pages • 1905: Rome. – Tournai (Belgium) • Society of Saint John the Evangelist • Desclée, Lefebvre & Co., Publishers to the Holy See & Printers to the S. Congr. of Rites • PUBLISHER NO. 643 •
* 1906 • Pustet KYRIALE (86 pages)
• KYRIALE seu ORDINARIUM MISSAE • juxta Editionem Vaticanam • A SS. PP. PIO X EVULGATAM. Cum Approbatione S. Rituum Congr. et Ordinarius Ratisbonensis. • 86 pages • Publishing Information: 1906 • Ratisbonae, Romae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati. Sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. et S. Rit. Congr. Typogr. MDCCCCVI (1906) •
* 1906 • Paris KYRIALE (fuzzy scan)
• Kyriale: ou Ordinaire de la messe : d’après l’édition vaticane avec un courte Méthode de Chant Grégorien • Paris : Société d’éditions du chant Grégorien • With an important insert at the front by Amédée Gastoué •
* 1906 • Fischer Brothers KYRIALE (79 pages)
—Does not include the REQUIEM MASS but a similar volume does.
• Kyriale sive Ordinarium Missae : juxta Editionem Vaticanam A SS.D.N. Pio PP. X. Evulgatam / Leo P Manzetti 1906 – 93 pages New York : J. Fischer, and bro. • “Edition A: Gregorian notation” (Edition B is in modern notation.) •
* 1906 • Pustet KYRIALE (with insert)
• KYRIALE seu ORDINARIUM MISSAE • juxta Editionem Vaticanam • A SS. PP. PIO X EVULGATAM. Cum Approbatione S. Rituum Congr. et Ordinarius Ratisbonensis. EDITIO ALTERA. • 86 pages • Publishing Information: 1906 • Ratisbonae, Romae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati. Sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apost. et S. Rit. Congr. Typogr. MDCCCCVI (1906) • Contains (as an INSERT in the front) a VERY interesting 4-page note by Pustet condemning mensuralism. Also, three pages worth of “approbation words” in the front from the year 1905. •
* 1907 • Pustet KYRIALE (122 pages)
—Includes the “Toni Communes Missae” and the REQUIEM MASS.
• KYRIALE seu ORDINARIUM MISSAE juxta editionem vaticanam A SS. PP. PIO X EVULGATAM. Cum approbatione S. Rituum Congr. et RMI EPISCOPI RATISBONENSIS. Editio Quinta. • 115+ pages • Publishing Information: 1907. Ratisbonae, Romae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati. SUMPTIBUS ET TYPIS FRIDERICI PUSTET; S. Sedis Apost. et S. Rit. Congr. Typogr. 1907. • Still printed in the “German/Pustet boxes” •
* PDF Download • 1914 Max Springer’s KYRIALE (147 pages)
—“ORDINARIUM MISSAE” • The official edition (Editio Vaticana) • Professionally-Scanned.
—This version uses modern notation.
Tome 2 • “Graduale Romanum” • Gregorian Notation
1858 LeCoffre Graduale
1863 Hermesdorff Graduale (1st version)
1871 Pustet Graduale
1874 Mechlin Graduale
1876 Hermesdorff Graduale (2nd version)
1883 Liber Gradualis (Dom Pothier) 1st Edition
1884 Pustet Graduale
1887 Reims/Cambrai Edition of the Graduale
1895 Liber Gradualis (Dom Pothier) 2nd Edition
1896 Liber Usualis (Solesmes)
1896 Pustet Graduale
1902 Solesmes Manuale Missae et Officiorum
1903 (?) Mohr Manuel de Chant
1903 Solesmes “Liber Usualis” (Mocquereau)
1903 Solesmes Manuale (Gregorian Notation)
1908 Graduale Romanum (Official Printing by the Vatican Press)
1908 Graduale Romanum by Dom Mocquereau (Solesmes)
1908 Graduel Neumé by Cardine
1908 Graduale Romanum (Schwann) (Professionally Scanned)
1909 Schwann Graduale Romanum
(1909) 1928 Weinmann Graduale Romanum (on modern staves)
1911 Pustet Graduale Romanum
1951 Mechlin Graduale Romanum (incomplete)
1953 Schwann Graduale Romanum
1957 Liber Usualis with English translations *
1961 Solesmes Liber Usualis (Small print)
1961 Solesmes Graduale Romanum (Large print)
1974 Graduale Romanum (Vatican II)
Tome 3 • Gregorian Chant • Modern Notation
1857 Kyriale in Modern Notation
1903 Solesmes Manuale (Modern Notation)
1903 Peter Wagner Kyriale (Gregorian Notation)
1904 Peter Wagner Kyriale (Modern Notation)
1904 Solesmes Kyriale (Preface in Latin)
1904 Solesmes Kyriale (Preface in English)
1906 Gregorian Notes and Neums
1906 Schwann Kyriale (Modern Notation)
1907 Missa Pro Defunctis (Modern Notation)
1909 Graduale in Modern Notation (Schwann) (Professionally Scanned)
1912 Graduale in Modern Notation (Max Springer) (Professionally Scanned)
1920 “Manuel des Processions et Bénédictions du Très Saint Sacrement” (René Paris)
1924 Liber Usualis in Modern Notation (Solesmes) *
1925 Chants of Holy Week (Manzetti)
Tome 4 • Gregorian Treatises
1874 Directorium Chori
1877 Magister Choralis (Haberl)
1880 Les Mélodies Grégoriennes d’après la tradition (Pothier)
1891 Le Rythme du Chant Grégorien
1892 Treatise on Gregorian Chant (Lhoumeau)
1892 Magister Choralis (Haberl)
1894 Introduction aux mélodies grégoriennes (d’Agen)
1895 Treatise on Gregorian Chant (Keinle)
1899 Gregorian Rhythm (excerpts)
1902 Choral-Reform zu Rom. (excerpts)
1904 Deutsche Choral-Wiegendrucke (Molitor)
1904 Our Position (Molitor)
1905 Plainchant and Solesmes (Cagin & Mocquereau)
Method of the Solesmes Plain Chant
1906 Manual of Plain Chant (Burkard)
1909 The Elements of Plainsong
1913 Treatise on Gregorian Chant (Gastoué)
1914 The Teaching & Accompaniment of Plainsong (Burgess)
1925 Johner “A New School of Gregorian Chant”
1928 Catechism of Gregorian Chant (Hügle)
1930 Text Book of Solesmes Gregorian Chant (Suñol)
1932 “Le nombre musical Grégorien” (Mocquereau)
1939 Little Grammar of Gregorian Chant (Gogniat)
1945 The Rhythm of Plainsong (Dom Gajard)
1949 History of Catholic Church Music (Fellerer)
1951 Gregorian Chant Analyzed and Studied (Pierik)
1952 The Rhythmic Tradition in the Manuscripts (Mocquereau & Gajard)
1960 The Solesmes Method (Gajard)
1963 Chant According to the Manuscripts (Murray)
1964 Gregorian Chant Rhythm (Rayburn)
Tome 5 • “Ordinarium Missæ” • Organ Accompaniments
1876 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Franz Witt)
1881 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Franz Witt)
1902 (?) Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Michael Horn)
1902 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Ludovicus Ebner)
1905 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Peter Wagner)
1905 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (F.X. Mathias) — (1931)
1906 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Julius Bas)
1906 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Msgr. Leo P. Manzetti)
1910 Organum Comitans ad Kyriale (Anglican)
1910 Vade Mecum Paroissial (Aug Le Guennant) — Partial Kyriale
1912 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Franz Nekes) (scanned in 2022)
1929 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Henri Potiron)
1937 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Goyatton & Lemoine-Biton)
1937 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Achille P. Bragers)
1946 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Lapierre)
1957 Organ Accompaniments for the Kyriale (Polish)
Tome 6 • “Graduale Romanum” • Organ Accompaniments
1874 Proprium et Commune Sanctorum — F.X. Haberl & Jos. Hanisch
1883 Commune Sanctorum (2 of 3) — F.X. Haberl & Jos. Hanisch
1883 Proprium Missarum de Tempore (3 of 3) — F.X. Haberl & Jos. Hanisch
1892 Organum Comitans (Schildknecht)
1900 Organum Comitans ad Graduale — F.X. Haberl & Jos. Hanisch
1910 Organum Comitans (Max Springer)
1910 Common of the Saints (Wiltberger Brothers)
1910s (?) Early version of Nova Organi Harmonia (NOH) — 4, 6, 7 only
1910s (?) Organum Comitans (Peter Wagner) (Professionally Scanned)
1910s (?) Wagner’s Proprium de Sanctis
1925 Graduale (Giulio Bas)
1925 Commune Sanctorum Gradualis Romani (F.X. Mathias)
1927 Proprium Sanctorum (Giulio Bas)
1928 Proprium Sanctorum (F.X. Mathias)
1933 Organ Accompaniments to the Graduale (Henri Potiron)
1936 Graduale (Dr. Franz Xavier Mathias)
1940s (8 volumes) Nova Organi Harmonia (NOH) — Van Nuffel, Flor Peeters, et al. *
NOH volume 1 (Professionally Scanned)
1946 Complete Proper with Organ Accompaniment (Koch & Green)
1947 Graduale (Achille P. Bragers)
Tome 7 • Treatises on Organ Accompaniment
1856 Gevaert Method for Accompanying Plainchant
1856 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Niedermeyer)
1886 Du Chant Grégorien (Lemmens)
1900 (?) Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Lepage)
1903 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Abbé Emile Brune)
1910 Accompagnement du Chant Grégorien
1910 The Art of Accompanying Plain Chant (Max Springer)
1911 Edwin Evans Gregorian Accomp. Treatise
1912 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Abbé F. Brun)
1917 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Biton/Grosjean)
1923 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Giulio Bas)
1923 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Amédée Gastoué)
1924 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Boulfard)
1925 (?) Modal Accompaniment of Gregorian Chant (Jean Parisot)
1927 J. H. Arnold Plainsong Accompaniment
1933 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Henri Potiron)
1934 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Achille P. Bragers)
1937 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Marcel Dupré)
1943 (1949) Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Flor Peeters)
M —French, Flemish, English, Spanish
1946 L’Accompagnement Du Chant Grégorien (Chanoine Francis Potier)
1947 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Dom Gregory Murray)
1949 Treatise on Gregorian Accompaniment (Eugene Lapierre)
1949 Practical Instruction in Plainsong Accompaniment (Henri Potiron)
1963 The Accompaniment of Plainsong (Michael Fleming)
Tome 8 • Miscellaneous Organ Accompaniments
1840s (?) Gregorian Accompaniment (Félix Bélédin)
1874 Die Schule des katholischen Organisten
1890 Organum Comitans ad Vesperale (Hanisch)
1907 Vespers of B.V.M. Accompaniment
1909 Vranken Missa Pro Defunctis
Missa Pro Defunctis (J. van de Cauter)
1914 Organ Accompaniments for Various Occasions (Guennant)
Organum Comitans ad Vesperale (Peter Wagner)
1921 Missa Pro Defunctis (Julius Bas)
1927 Vesperae et Completorium (Giulio Bas)
1928 Organ Accompaniments for the Divine Office (Giulio Bas)
1928 Organ Accompaniments “Vesperale” (Giulio Bas)
1928 Desrocquettes Psalm Accompaniments
Desrocquettes Accompaniments for the Psalms
1930 Feast of the Sacred Heart
1934 Potiron Benediction Accompaniments
1957 Lapierre Accompaniments for Holy Week
Psalm Tone Accompaniments
Potiron Accompaniments to the Office of the Dead
Tome 9 • Psalmi in Notis
1903 Solesmes Psalmi in Notis
Solesmes Psalmi in Notis (FRAGMENT)
1908 Psalmi in Notis
1913 Dethier Psalmi in Notis
1914 Springer Psalmi in Notis
1916 Fischer Psalmi in Notis
Sarum Tonale
Tome 10 • Incomplete Copies (Fragments)
1875 Hanisch Sanctorale & Witt Kyriale (Fragment)
1892 Pustet Rituale (Fragment)
1905 Solesmes Rituale (Fragment)
1908 Pustet Graduale (Fragment)
1909 Mechlin Graduale (Fragment)
1920 (1921) (1954) Solesmes Liber Usualis (Fragments)
1923 Francis Burgess Chant (Fragments)
1930 Nashdom Abbey Graduale (Fragment)
Tome 11 • Assorted Musical Scores
1818 Antiphonale (Bourguignon)
1851 Hymnarium Vesperale (Lambert)
1854 Musica Divina (Karl Proske)
1857 Vesperale in Modern Notation
1886 Vesperale Monasticum
1888 Processionale (Solesmes)
1891 Vesperale (Dom Pothier)
29 May 1891 Antiphonale (Pothier) by archive
29 May 1891 Antiphonale (Pothier) by archive
1892 Antiphonale (F. Pustet)
1893 Processionale Monasticum (Pothier) by archive
1895 Liber Responsorialis (Dom Pothier)
1906 Complete Mass Propers (A. Edmonds Tozer) — Vol. 1
1908 Complete Mass Propers (A. Edmonds Tozer) — Vol. 2
1913 VESPERALE ROMANUM (Lethielleux)
1913 VESPERALE ROMANUM (Schwann) (Professionally Scanned)
1915 VESPERALE ROMANUM (Weinmann) (Professionally Scanned)
1921 Le plain-chant grégorien
1922 Complete Mass Propers (Fr. Theodore Labouré)
1923 Justine Bayard Ward Book
1934 Antiphonale Monasticum (Solesmes)
1935 Rev. Carlo Rossini CANTICUM NOVUM (208 pages)
1925 Dom Gaspar Lefebvre Missal
1937 Fr. Lasance Missal
3-Voice Motets by Oreste Ravanello
1951 Two Rare Franciscan Gregorian Books
PIUS X HYMNAL by Dr. Theodore Marier
Tome 12 • Other Religious Books (Miscellaneous)
1924 (2,092 pages) • “Liturgical Notes on the Roman Missal” (Ildefonso Schuster)
1928 “Invitatoria Cum Psalmo” (Desclée)
1948 “The Mass in Slow Motion” (Msgr. Ronald Knox)
1949 Holy Week and Easter with Gregorian Chant (797 pages)
1954 Comic book: Know Your Mass (Fr. Demetrius Manousos)
1965 Missale Romanum
Jesuit Martyrs of North America (Rev. John A. O’Brien)
1950 Missarum Sollemnia by Fr. Josef A. Jungmann
1955 Mediator Dei Hymnal
1962 Proprium Simplex by Hermann Kronsteiner
1970s Missale Romanum cum lectionibus
1933 “Kyriale in English” (Anglican) Winfred Douglas
• F. J. Thinnes • Includes Appendix “Kyriale Trevirense” • Ratisbonae: F. Pustet • Kyriale, sive, Ordinarium Missae: pro diversitate temporis et festorum per annum: accedunt Missae Defunctorum, vesperae, ordinarii hymni, cantus litaniae, sequentiae etc.: juxta Ritum S. Romanae Ecclesiae •
• Luxemburg : Sumptibus et typus Fratrum Heintze • Kyriale, sive, Ordinarium Missae: pro diversitate temporis et festorum per annum: accedunt Missae Defunctorum, antiphone ad aspersionem aque benedicte, lauda sion, stabat mater, et varle cantiones sacre et elavationem, ad benedictionem, etc. • Luxemburg : Sumptibus et typus Fratrum Heintze •
• Ordinarium missæ, sive, cantiones missæ communes pro diversitate temporis et festorum per annum : excerptæ ex Graduali Romano quod curavit S. Rituum Congregatio. • Ratisbonae; Neo Eboraci: F. Pustet •
—Monsignor Ronald Knox: “On Englishing The Bible.”
Please note: Every attempt has been made to make sure these accompaniments are in the public domain, and they have been checked with the United States Copyright office. If you believe we have made a mistake, please notify us.