Liturgical Custody of the Eyes
Guarding the Sense of Sight so as to Promote Participation
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
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Some of you may not know, but in seminaries and houses of religious, the 150 psalms are still recited or sung every month.
Pope Francis was right to allow the Pre-1955 Holy Week. Father Krisman is incorrect to suggest it will “hurt people.”
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Some believe Stevenson was the greatest musicologist of all time, but I believe he made an error here.
An extremely rare hymnal compiled by the Most Rev’d Joseph Schrembs, Bishop of Cleveland, Ohio.
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Once we realize how high that standard for accepting a chorister is, it becomes easier to understand the boy’s rapid musical progress in the choir.
A video and quote from our friends at the Monastère Saint Benoît.
The beautiful “Way of the Cross” by Sheen made our local bishop weep as he was leading them.
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Christendom College will offer free organ lessons and $500 in tuition reduction for a student starting in the Fall of 2020.
There’s something comforting about the Brébeuf hymnal translations, since they were created by Catholic priests.
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The fruits of attending the Symposium will extend throughout the generations.
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A comment on the importance of the role of director of music a Westminster Cathedral, following the resignation of Martin Baker, offered by Gregory Treloar.
Let’s remember this sentence when we are tempted to complain about our (holy) vocation providing music for Mass!
These magnificent images are not only attractive to behold, but also deeply theological.
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