PDF Download • “Pater Noster” by Van Nuffel (1937)
Throughout my career, I have tried to follow the advice Cardinal Mercier gave the young Fulton J. Sheen.
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
Throughout my career, I have tried to follow the advice Cardinal Mercier gave the young Fulton J. Sheen.
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Salve Regina is still in season for another three months. You have plenty of time to learn this simple yet satisfying piece.
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Do what’s right, say your prayers, offer each day to Jesus Christ, and hold your head high!
Some people—when they pray the Our Father—believe the words “Thy will be done” actually mean “My will be done…”
Why on earth does the cost of butter matter?
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A trilogy of movies to convey the immense treasure of the history of the liturgy through personal stories and beautifully filmed footage of the Mass of the Ages.
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Also included, an organ accompaniment (23 pages) for this booklet.
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The second part has blank staves—so you can compose your own organ harmonies!
This is—perhaps—the most phenomenally gorgeous piece ever written.
This hymn was originally for the Assumption, but now can be used on various Marian feasts.
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All Saints—November 1st—will be here before you know it!
An English translation by Robert Campbell of Skerrington (d. 1868), who was a convert to the Catholic Faith.
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This piece works well in the “OF” (Ordinary Form) and also the “EF” (Extraordinary Form).
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