Archbishop Roche: What the Ordinary Form “has to learn” from the Extraordinary Form
“The Extraordinary Form is another expression (older than the 1969 Missal) and is a valid expression of the Church’s liturgy.” —Arthur Roche
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
“The Extraordinary Form is another expression (older than the 1969 Missal) and is a valid expression of the Church’s liturgy.” —Arthur Roche
Free scores and practice videos in English and Spanish for the Announcement of Easter and Moveable Feasts (Epiphany Proclamation)
I recorded all the voices, to demonstrate how it sounds…
I remember hearing folks say (erroneously): “Don’t cross out Christmas!”
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Vatican II said: “Pastors must see to it that Vespers is celebrated in parishes on Sundays and the more solemn feasts” (SC §100).
Louis Bouyer—the priest chosen to compose “Eucharistic Prayer II”—condemned the liturgical reforms when he saw the results.
Dr. Aaron James has a double doctorate from a reputable conservatory, which is quite impressive!
A popular work often performed in concert, when sung within Mass, it offers boundless transcendence.
It may be an ugly booklet, but it got the job done yesterday.
Many centuries ago, this was a “trope” (poetic extension) for a Responsory.
When you read through the translation, you’ll agree this could certainly be sung during Sunday Masses in Advent…
PODCAST! — The Boston Cathedral Singers’ album From the Bell Tower was featured on “Sounds from the Spires” on SIRIUS XM 129 Radio, The Catholic Channel.
During November, our parish sings hymns to Christ the King, All Saints, and the Faithful Departed.
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The month of November is dedicated to the souls in Purgatory.
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Cardinal Antonelli: “I have the impression that much has been conceded to the Protestant mentality, especially in matters regarding the sacraments.”
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