Pope Saint John Paul II on Gregorian Chant
As Gregorian Chant was arguably “dead” during much of his pontificate, Pope Saint John Paul II’s strong words on Gregorian Chant are therefore quite notable.
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
As Gregorian Chant was arguably “dead” during much of his pontificate, Pope Saint John Paul II’s strong words on Gregorian Chant are therefore quite notable.
Why aren’t the Propers from the Roman Gradual identical to the Mass Propers printed in the Roman Missal? • “Recent research … has made it clear that the antiphons of the Order of Mass were never intended to be sung.” — Bishop Donald Trautman (2007)+
Fr. Joseph Terra, FSSP, was also seriously wounded in this burglary-turned-murder.
True art affirms the Catholic Faith—and represents a spiritual sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to the Lord.
“This publication is sorely needed to help reignite a Catholic imagination.” — Christine Sarti
Kevin Allen will be presenting a beautiful conference in Malaysia.
“If some senseless decree were to order the total or partial destruction of basilicas or cathedrals, then
obviously it would be the educated — whatever their personal beliefs — who would rise up in horror to oppose such a possibility.”
Can AD ORIENTEM be excluded from the Novus Ordo? Vatican says: “Negatively, and in accordance with the following explanation.”
Do churchgoers of my generation—who, largely, have no experience of Latin in the liturgy at all—even recognize the gift that has been lost?
Inspiration for enkindling a love of the Mass in the next generation from a booklet over 50 years old.
Here is a truth of human nature: When we can’t have something we want it. When something is forced upon us, we often reject it.
His Holiness mentions St. Thomas More, St. John Fisher, and others.
Have you ever wondered what a Novus Ordo High Mass might look like? Read on…
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