Brebeuf Hymn Index
Ad Cenam Agni Providi
(“As at the Lamb’s high feast we sit”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
SECOND TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Audi Benigne Conditor
(“O deign to hear, Creator Kind”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
SECOND TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Christe Redemptor Omnium
(“O Christ, thy gracious mercy be”)
Translation: Bishop Edward G. Bagshawe
FIRST TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
9th century
Ex More Docti Mystico
(“By holy custom taught, we raise”)
Translation: Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Oblate of Mary
THIRD TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Jam Christe Sol Justitiae
(“Thy rays, O Sun of Justice, send”)
Translation: John David Chambers
THIRD TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Quem Terra, Pontus, Aethera
(“Whom earth and sea and sky proclaim”)
Translation: Very Rev’d Dominic Aylward, OP
FIRST TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Quem Terra, Pontus, Aethera
(“The God whom earth and sea and sky”)
Translation: Dr. John M. Neale
TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Text only version also included at bottom of page—can be used with any 88 88 (LM)
Rex Sempiterne Domine
(“Eternal King of Heaven’s hosts”)
Translation: Bishop Edward G. Bagshawe
SIXTH TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Veni Creator Spiritus
(“Creator-Spirit, Lord of grace”)
Translation: Robert Campbell of Skerrington
FOURTH TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Vexilla Regis Prodeunt
(“The King’s bright banners forward go”)
Translation: Edward Arthur Dayman
FOURTH TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Pure Virgin, Hear Our Song Today
by Fr. Dylan Schrader
TUNE: “Eisenach” • 88 88 (LM)
Ave Maris Stella
(“Salve Estrella Del Mar”)
by Francisco Luis Bernárdez
Eisenach • 88 88 (LM)