POPE FRANCIS appointed Robert Cardinal Sarah as PREFECT of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship on 23 November 2014. Statements he’s made so far :

ENGLISH (1 June 2015) letter to a liturgical conference in New York :

FRENCH (3 March 2015) intervew with Aleteia :

ITALIAN (12 June 2015) letter printed in L’Osservatore Romano :

ENGLISH (1 June 2015) letter to a liturgical conference in New York :

ITALIAN (12 June 2015) letter printed in L’Osservatore Romano :

Cardinal Sarah is not alone in his efforts for authentic liturgical renewal. A surprising number of prominent American bishops have publicly offered the Extraordinary Form. Moreover, consider the leading American bishops who favor the Reform of the Reform:
His Excellency, ARTHUR J. SERRATELLI • Chairman of the Committee on Divine Worship|
His Excellency, ALEXANDER K. SAMPLE • Head of Oregon Catholic Press|
His Excellency, JOSEPH E. KURTZ • President of the USA Catholic Bishops
OT LONG AFTER Pope Francis was elected, numerous articles began to appear asking the question “Is the Reform of the Reform dead?” Several of these were thoughtful and serious, resulting from prayer and sober reflection. Sadly, we also witnessed knee-jerk, sensationalist, and irresponsible articles written by those who wrongly believed the RotR was a byproduct of the personality of Benedict XVI. On the contrary—as I tried to point out—the “RENEWAL OF THE RENEWAL” (as Bishop René H. Gracida calls it) is an act of love.
Regarding my comments of 23 February:
“It is highly unlikely that Pope Francis would condemn the RotR, which Pope Benedict XVI favored.”
…Cardinal Sarah’s appointment by Pope Francis would seem to support this. On the other hand, I doubt anyone cares about my speculations. It’s all in the hands of God!