NE DAY OVER THE SUMMER, I made a day trip to New York City. My main purpose was to apply for a visa at the Brazilian consulate in order to go to World Youth Day. As I walked from Penn Station to the consulate, though, I happened to pass by the exquisite Church of Our Savior on Park Avenue. Amid many blocks of unremarkable skyscrapers and apartment complexes, this church stood out as quite an impressive building. The door was open, so I stopped in to make a visit. Upon leaving, I took a copy of their bulletin, in which I discovered that their then-pastor was the eminent Fr. George Rutler.
Another thing I discovered in the bulletin was information about The Catholic Artists Society. After checking out the group online when I got home, it seems like a very worthwhile society. In conjunction with the Thomistic Institute, they will present an exciting lecture series over the next few months. Here are the speakers and topics:
Art: For Whose Sake? (Gregory Wolfe, Editor, Image Journal)
The Responsibility of the Artist (Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP, editor, Magnificat)
Forming the Artist (David Clayton, Thomas More College)
Beauty and the Real (Alice Ramos, St. John’s University)
Love and Artistic Genesis (Anthony Esolen, Providence College)
Virtue and the Artistic Imagination (Fr. Joseph Koterski, SJ, Fordham University)
Anyone who lives within traveling distance to the Big Apple, take note. The series will be held on Saturday nights at 7:30 PM in the heart of Greenwich Village. These lectures look very worthwhile.