EFORE THE CAMPION MISSAL could be published, it was necessary to collect, scan, sort, clean, and carefully digitize more than 300 religious line art drawings. Credit for this goes to Kristen Ostrowski, who combed through hundreds of 19th century Missals, Antiphonals, Breviaries, and Graduals from a Benedictine Abbey, meticulously extracting pictures that were still intact. Contained in the St. Edmund Campion Missal & Hymnal for the Traditional Latin Mass (ccwatershed.org/Campion) are approximately ninety (90) of these exquisite “woodcuts.” In my blog entries over the next year or so, I will be releasing hundreds of these pictures for general use by Catholics everywhere.
ODAY’S INSTALLMENT comes from the Campion Missal, where it was used for the feast of Corpus Christi:

You will notice that the quotes are normally given in both Latin & English — a special feature we hope will be appreciated.