EFFREY M. OSTROWSKI holds his B.M. in Music Theory from the University of Kansas (2004) and has done graduate work in the fields of Musicology and Education. In February of 2011, Mr. Ostrowski was elected President of Watershed. His scholarship has focused on the historical performance of plainsong and polyphony of the High Renaissance, resulting in several early music CDs and an internationally broadcast television documentary. In 2002, he became the first to produce a compact disc using “multi-track” recordings for Renaissance polyphony. He has been frequently chosen as presenter for national musica sacra gatherings. He founded—and still oversees—the Sacred Music Symposium, which promotes authentic church music at the grass roots level.
Although Mr. Ostrowski does not consider himself an author, his articles have appeared in a variety of publications: Homiletic & Pastoral Review (Ignatius Press); Sacred Music Journal (Church Music Association of America); The Catholic Exchange; New Liturgical Movement; Liturgical Arts Journal; Adoremus Bulletin; and so forth. While serving as adjunct choirmaster at CORPUS CHRISTI CATHEDRAL, he played the pipe organ on television more than a hundred times.
* Publicity Photo • JEFF OSTROWSKI (2017)
* Publicity Photo • JEFF OSTROWSKI (2018)
* Publicity Photo • JEFF OSTROWSKI (2023)
For ten years, Mr. Ostrowski served as choirmaster for the new FSSP Apostolate in Los Angeles, CA. In 2024, he accepted a position as choirmaster at the church of Saint Mary in Michigan, where he lives with his wife and children. In the past, he has directed the Cristóbal de Morales Consortium, Corpus Christi Cathedral Schola Cantorum, and a high school choral program. He assisted in the production of the Brébeuf Hymnal and Jogues Missal. Known across the globe as a composer, before he had reached the age of 30, Mr. Ostrowski’s compositions had already been sung by distinguished choirs—e.g. the resident choir of the New York Philharmonic—as well as for Masses in major churches such as Saint Peter’s Basilica (Vatican City). 1
1 Mr. Ostrowski also publishes many of his works under a pen name which will be revealed someday.