New Album from the Boys of Saint Paul’s Choir School
NEW CD from the Saint Paul’s Choir School, Harvard Square with the Sophia Music Group label
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
Richard J. Clark is the Director of Music of the Archdiocese of Boston and the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. He is also Chapel Organist (Saint Mary’s Chapel) at Boston College. His compositions have been performed worldwide.—Read full biography (with photographs).
NEW CD from the Saint Paul’s Choir School, Harvard Square with the Sophia Music Group label
We mourn the passing of John G. Dunn (1943-2022) Director of Music and Headmaster Emeritus of the Boston Archdiocesan Choir School (currently known as Saint Paul’s Choir School in Harvard Square) The Choir School would not exist today without John Dunn’s vision, dedication, and talent.
Free scores and practice videos for the Epiphany Proclamation in English and Spanish for the Novus Ordo.
As many parishes struggle, your presence, your voice, your witness to the love of Christ is that much more important!
There is great continuity between the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo. In light of Pope Francis’ “Desiderio desideravi” and “Traditionis custodes” this deserves a closer look.
This will be sung at the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome and at the Basilica of Saint Francis Assisi.
The small efforts we make become the mustard seed that transforms a life forever. The seed you plant may convert one soul or many.
Free scores and practice videos in English and Spanish for the Announcement of Easter and Moveable Feasts (Epiphany Proclamation)
A popular work often performed in concert, when sung within Mass, it offers boundless transcendence.
PODCAST! — The Boston Cathedral Singers’ album From the Bell Tower was featured on “Sounds from the Spires” on SIRIUS XM 129 Radio, The Catholic Channel.
Four singers at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross sought artistic refuge in the Cathedral bell tower where its bells toll each day. The new album features new music by Kevin Allen and Richard J. Clark
Adherence to Roman Catholic doctrine in song is hardly unreasonable. It is imperative. It is the right thing to do.
Olbash holds the distinction of being the Director of Music of two seminaries: Saint John’s Seminary, Boston, and Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts.
Forced abstinence from the Eucharist in 2020 heightened for many the appreciation of the sacraments that one can take for granted.
Maestro Kennerley underscores the myriad salutary benefits of music education for children and that of a community that sings together.
Corpus Christi Watershed is a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to exploring and embodying as our calling the relationship of religion, culture, and the arts. This non-profit organization employs the creative media in service of theology, the Church, and Christian culture for the enrichment and enjoyment of the public.