Choosing Choral Repertoire
Is it okay for choirmasters to program the same piece several Sundays in a row?
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
Dr. Lucas Tappan is a conductor and organist whose specialty is working with children. He lives in Kansas with his wife and four children.—Read full biography (with photographs).
Is it okay for choirmasters to program the same piece several Sundays in a row?
The boys encountered the same learning curves the adult men had previously, but their facility in solfege speed up the learning process.
Ultimately it doesn’t matter if your choir resonates well and sings beautiful vowels but can’t communicate via the music…
If more choirmasters were honest with themselves, they would probably acknowledge that no more than 25 to 40 percent of their singers are actually leaders within their choirs.
I’m edified by Fr. White’s work, but hope his regard for “church growth” doesn’t negate the Sacramental and supernatural nature of the Church.
One day, God willing, when He calls you into the New and Eternal Jerusalem, you will discover the eternal consequences of the offering of your widow’s mite.
Whether a Gothic cathedral in France, a rural Norman church in England or a Californian mission church, each one in its own way has the power to lift our eyes in contemplation of the New and Eternal Jerusalem.
In a sense, I understood every word. As a matter of fact, I was beaten over the head by every one of them.
Some day I wouldn’t mind cooking up a good ol’ fashioned Christmas Ball, but ’til then have to content myself with adding a few pounds (or more than a few) in honor of our Lord’s birth.
Children need to see that everything takes second place to your relationship with Christ.
Jeff recently asked if directors take choir pictures and I can’t say I do—but thankfully others did.
It’s an incredibly refreshing and dare I say beautiful movement within the Church today…
We rarely speak of greatness in the Church anymore for fear of driving people away, yet look at all of the men who responded to the call of the priesthood because of the example of Pope St. John Paul II.
Many things have changed over the last quarter of a century in the field of church music and thankfully most of them have been for the better.
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