Saint Brigid’s School • New Choir School for the Cathedral of Saint Mary (San Francisco)
Thirty years ago most pastors would not have been open to inaugurating good sacred music programs in their parishes, but times have changed.
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
Dr. Lucas Tappan is a conductor and organist whose specialty is working with children. He lives in Kansas with his wife and four children.—Read full biography (with photographs).
Thirty years ago most pastors would not have been open to inaugurating good sacred music programs in their parishes, but times have changed.
These were two joyful, yet profitable, weeks spent with a dedicated group of devout Catholics…
Every choirmaster should place a high priority on recruitment, otherwise in time he commits a form of “choral contraception”…
St. John Paul II Catholic Church joins a growing number of parishes (including the Cathedral) in our archdiocese committed the renewal of both the Sacred Liturgy and Music.
I also feel this is the reason that many church musicians in England don’t matriculate into doctoral programs—their choir schools imparted more than a doctoral program could ever give.
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Organ improvisation is on the mind of many organists these days as they cope in the absence of choirs and other musicians.
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We can sometimes be so caught up in advancing Gregorian chant that we fail to remember that every single age in the history of the Catholic Church has seen forms of popular religious music…
I doubt the Divine Office in the vernacular could have been more beautifully sung.
If we want great artists, we must have places to train them in the best of the tradition and be able to crown their studies with a deeply imbued Catholic ethos.
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In all my life I don’t think I have ever heard it mentioned that the art of improvisation, done well, ranks alongside the greatest works of Palestrina or Mozart.
The most problematic genre for use in broadcasting is the English setting of the Mass Ordinary since all of the major settings are currently under copyright.
This image of Christ as the Good Shepherd constitutes the supreme model for all pastors, clerical or (in a broader and unordained sense) lay—anyone leading others into the Sheepfold of the Church. It is, therefore, crucial to understand the various nuances of pastor, or shepherd.
Michelangelo, without training and in wont of the best paints and plaster, would have struggled to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
At the heart of the great conductor is one who is born in wonder, one who stands in awe and amazement of heaven’s divine gift of music.
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The reality in any great liturgical choir is that there is simply too much music to learn by rote.
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