“I’m hanging on every word.”—Catholic Organist Group
My friend, Richard J. Clark, sent me a screenshot from the “Catholic Organist Group.”
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
A theorist, organist, and conductor, Jeff Ostrowski holds his B.M. in Music Theory from the University of Kansas (2004). He completed studies in Education and Musicology at the graduate level. Having worked as a church musician in Los Angeles for ten years, in 2024 he accepted a position as choirmaster for Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Michigan, where he resides with his wife and children. —Read full biography (with photographs).
My friend, Richard J. Clark, sent me a screenshot from the “Catholic Organist Group.”
Only an insane person would post this publicly—but I “fit the bill”…so here goes!
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The resignation of Martin Baker was quite a shock to the Catholic world.
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Dr. Terry says: “The melody must be clearly defined, free from triviality and trite clichés, avoiding harmonies that are sugary or sensuous.”
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The 2nd part has blank staves, so you can compose your own harmonies!
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“On 12 March 1908, the complete publication of the Roman Gradual was issued by the Vatican Press. On that very day, Dom Pothier solemnly presented the first copy to the Holy Father. A witness of the audience says that Pius X wished to be the first to see the new book; he opened it at […]
A very prolific harmonizer of Gregorian chant in the early 20th century was Mr. Julius Bas. He often uses a very strange technique, wherein he employs rests to eliminate the Alto, Tenor, and Bass voices. Consider what he did with “Lumen ad revelationem” here: * JPEG • Lumen ad revelationem It seems quite lazy, and I’ve […]
Fr. Valentine Young, OFM, used to say: “The organist can play 1,000 correct notes and one wrong note—and the only thing people will care about is the wrong note.” Last Sunday I hit some wrong notes, and felt bad. Then I remembered a story about Rudolf Serkin and started to chuckle. Charles Rosen (or was […]
Saint Peter (II Peter 3:16) says the writings of Saint Paul are extremely difficult to understand—and I Corinthians 14:34-35 seems an example. But I have something else to say about silence in church: it depends upon the time of day. I have responsibility over four (4) Masses each Sunday, and there are “levels” of silence. […]
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Re: February 2nd in the EF: The following verse was also removed from the 1962 Missale Romanum. Neither does it appear in the 1962 Graduale Romanum of Solesmes: “Vs. Cum indúcerent púerum Jesum parentes ejus, ut fácerent secúndum consuetúdinem legis pro eo, ipse accépit eum in ulnas suas.” It was deleted from the Antiphon “Respónsum […]
From what I can tell, the chant “Exsúrge, Dómine, ádjuva nos”—which formerly was sung while candles were being distributed, toward the end—was removed in 1962. It does not appear in the official 1962 Missale Romanum. Nor does it appear in the 1961 Solesmes Graduale Romanum. The Liber Usualis has it, but it’s well known that […]
Just because I’m aware of something that happened in the past doesn’t mean I endorse it.
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The Brébeuf hymnal collection is now complete—and it’s truly revolutionary!
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