The Supreme Court & Traditional Liturgy
In my opinion, Fr. Paul Scalia’s face resembles that of his father (Justice Antonin Scalia) … but I could be completely wrong about this.
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
A theorist, organist, and conductor, Jeff Ostrowski holds his B.M. in Music Theory from the University of Kansas (2004). He completed studies in Education and Musicology at the graduate level. Having worked as a church musician in Los Angeles for ten years, in 2024 he accepted a position as choirmaster for Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Michigan, where he resides with his wife and children. —Read full biography (with photographs).
In my opinion, Fr. Paul Scalia’s face resembles that of his father (Justice Antonin Scalia) … but I could be completely wrong about this.
You will not make progress at your parish unless you understand Pope Benedict’s “Unbelievably Big Kite” theory.
If Pope Pius V or Gregory the Great were to come back, they ought to see that the Mass after Vatican II has substantially remained the same.” — Secretary of the Consilium
A peritus of the Council once suggested that certain parties detest the Mass Propers because they’re almost impossible to “hijack” with heterodox theology.
The quickest way to make this clear to a skeptical priest or liturgist is to request that they bring you some Offertory antiphons from MR3. (They don’t exist!)
“The law of the Church plainly declares that, whenever High Mass is celebrated, the Proper of the Mass must be sung or at least recited.” — Fr. Labouré (1922)
Did you catch that last quotation? “Unless proper readings are given.” What does that passage mean?
Why must the music at Wedding receptions be blasted at such a deafening volume? What can be done?
“I am desperately trying to understand how what I experienced yesterday is not a separate rite.” — Dr. Jerry Galipeau
“Hundreds of millions of Catholics can now pray to God in their own languages and not in meaningless sounds…” — Annibale Bugnini
Is the Trapp Family priest saying Mass “facing the people” in the 1930s?
Not one shred of iconographical evidence contradicts the alb as being a priestly vestment.
“A community is calling into question its very being when it suddenly declares its holiest and highest possession to be strictly forbidden … Can it be trusted any more about anything else?”
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