Solmization from the Inside, Part 3
Making the case for the (very) old method of solfège, or, what is so sharp about sharp notes?
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
Dr. Charles Weaver is on the faculty of the Juilliard School, and serves as organist and director of music at St. Mary’s Church in Norwalk, Connecticut. His research interests include the history of music theory and the theory of plainchant rhythm. He lives in Connecticut with his wife and four children.—Read full biography (with photographs).
Making the case for the (very) old method of solfège, or, what is so sharp about sharp notes?
This past week, I appeared on the Nikhil Hogan show to talk about Gregorian rhythm and the Vatican edition.
Musical scholars are divided on whether the modes are a useful way to think about music, but I’m convinced they are. In the seventeenth century, musicians created a fruitful and lasting link between the eight modes and eight particular keys called the church keys.
Sometimes the ancients just perfectly capture the essence of some experience that we all share.
Back in January I gave a talk at Sacred Heart Parish in Grand Rapids, Michigan. They have a fantastic lecture series, and this was also in connection with their admirable project on the fifth centennial of Palestrina’s birth. The talk is now available on Spotify, and I hope it will be of some interest to […]
Dom Lucien David gives a practical lesson in applying the method of Dom Pothier to a chant from the Kyriale.
I’ve participated in some recent conversations about chant that might be of interest to our readers.
I propose that we consider Dom Pothier’s method without making an unnecessary appeal to authority.
It really is a minor part of Mocquereau’s theoretical enterprise. That doesn’t mean it’s completely pointless, though.
The idea of the tonic accent in Gregorian melody runs through the entire Solesmes tradition from Gontier to Pothier to Mocquereau to the present.
We Church musicians have a high calling to bear witness to the truth with our music and our lives.
We can think of the modes and their traditional characters in a dynamic way, and it can help us to have a little more shape and direction in our singing.
This week I attended part of an excellent academic conference in honor of William Mahrt.
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