IXTEEN CHOIRS and over two-hundred fifty (250) children gathered in a cold but sunny morning—8 March 2025—at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. The sun illuminated the saints on the stained glass windows from 1875. Ranging from fourth to twelfth grade, many woke up at dawn to travel 3+ hours to Boston for a long day of rehearsals followed by singing at Mass. Under the direction of Maestro Richard J. Clark, choirs from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, and even New York sang sacred music new and old including Gregorian Chant, works by Mozart, Marier, Ostrowski, Bartlett, and others. The entire Mass was exquisitely chanted by celebrant Bishop Robert P. Reed and dynamically accompanied by organist Kevin Lyczak.
Hope For The Future • Many had not sung much chant—to say nothing of a Latin INTROIT from the Graduale Romanum. But with mutual support, preparation, and opportunity, children are capable of most anything. Never underestimate what children can accomplish! Pueri Cantores is an international organization whose primary mission is evangelization and catechesis through sacred music. They hold such festivals all over the world. Please look for a festival in your area, and keep their great work in your prayers! The following clip is from rehearsal of the mode VI chant Ave Regina Cælorum. This Marian antiphon sung from the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (a.k.a. “Purification”) to Holy Thursday.
Rehearsing of Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus:
Notable was the participation of the Saint Paul’s Choir School, Harvard Square. As part of the prelude for Mass, they sang Ralph Vaughan William’s Antiphon from the Five Mystical Songs under the direction of Maestro Brandon Straub with Mr. Nara Lee, accompanying.
The following clip was part of a filming for the Catholic Television Network of Cantate Domino, by Jesús López Moreno and arranged by Hernán Cortés.