NYONE WHO HAS studied Catholic sacred music over the last sixty years will know the name of Monsignor Robert Alex Skeris. Some knew him as a professor at the Catholic University of America. Others knew him when he was head of the Theology department at Christendom college. In the CMAA journals, Msgr. Schuler often referenced “Father Skeris of Rome” since he ran the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music during the 1980s. I was present when Monsignor Skeris gave a lecture to the Sacred Music Colloquium—which he helped found 60 years ago—and received a standing ovation from a packed auditorium. The audience just kept applauding for the longest time…to the point where my ears started to hurt!
A student of Monsignor Skeris sent me a marvelous interview from 7 January 1998. In it, Mother Angelica of EWTN asks Monsignor Skeris to explain the Theology of worship. This excerpt addresses participatio actuosa (“active participation”):
Mother Angelica asks why liturgical music must be sacred:
Monsignor Skeris mentions what the fathers of Vatican II actually voted upon regarding Latin in the liturgy:
The Full Video • You can obtain this 60-minute DVD by searching Google. I think it was in the range of $17.00, and you’ll enjoy hearing Monsignor Skeris give candid answers to excellent questions from the audience. He speaks about the relationship of text & music; why Gregorian chant is the Church’s preference; whether we can use orchestral Masses based on secular tunes; and numerous other topics. I like the part where Mother Angelica presses him to reveal his favorite piece of music! By the way, EWTN has posted a 1990 article by Monsignor Skeris:
If you doubt the importance of discussions by the fathers of Vatican II, read this 1976 reference to the Conciliar relationes.
Addendum • Requiem
aeternam dona ei, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat ei.
Requiescat in pace. Amen.