S OF A FEW MINUTES AGO, enrollment has opened for the 2025 Sacred Music Symposium. If you visit the official website you can download the SCHEDULE OF EVENTS for 2025. We couldn’t be more excited about this year’s conference. The repertoire is peerless; the best of the best. Here are three things that distinguish our conference: (a) The bulk of it is dedicated to interactive rehearsals, in which participants are shown how to run a rehearsal properly; (b) All our presenters have established (in the real world) acclaimed music programs at the parish level; (c) The church we’re singing in has incomparable acoustics, even nicer than SAINT VICTOR in West Hollywood (where we held the first symposium) which had splendid acoustics.
You can download the official 2025 poster:
News! News! News! • A generous benefactor has agreed to cover 50% of the tuition for those who register before 25 April 2025 (Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist). This offer is outstanding, and you can learn all about it by visiting the official website for Sacred Music Symposium 2025.
(1 of 3) Giving Back • I grew up with a ton of brothers (but just one sister). They were obsessed with playing certain computer games where you control your character in a make-believe world. They had to choose which NPC faction they wanted to fight with: the “Alliance” or the “Horde.” One day I asked: “So, how come neither side ever wins the game?” My brothers explained the game will never end—the ALLIANCE will be fighting the HORDE eternally.
(2 of 3) Giving Back • That computer game reminds me of the battle for authentic sacred music. It seems extremely unlikely we’ll ever succeed in eradicating all undignified music from every single Catholic Church. But as the great Monsignor Robert Alex Skeris reminded us: “Say not the struggle nought availeth.” Ours is a fight worth fighting—no matter the outcome!
(3 of 3) Giving Back • Having founded the annual Sacred Music Symposium ten years ago, I must admit it requires a lot more work than I’d imagined. But it’s kind of like parents who—out of a super-abundance of love—choose to adopt orphans. My colleagues and I have been given so much, this conference is an opportunity for us to “give something back.”
The rare photograph below was taken at the very first Sacred Music Symposium: