E DO NOT dwell upon Church scandals on this blog. Except in very particular circumstances, bad-mouthing the Church isn’t what God wants from the faithful. That’s not how we’re supposed to use the energy given to us by the Lord. Indeed, many “professional” Catholics who spend hours filming themselves each day and attacking the Church on YOUTUBE will have to answer for this before Almighty God.
That being said, it’s no secret the once-great Jesuit order has been plagued—perhaps more than any other order—by the scourge of heresy. It’s difficult to understand why certain modern-day Jesuits who publicly flout the Church’s official teachings (and even mock articles of our Faith) haven’t been reprimanded by their superiors. It’s a source of great scandal. As Monsignor Skeris used to say: “Corruptio optimi pessima.”
But from the beginning, it was not so: