Reader Feedback • Re: “Simplified” Organ Music
I’ve lived through various pendulum swings: the “Glory and Praise” phase; the “hymn sandwich” phase; and the “baroque tracker organ” phase.
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
I’ve lived through various pendulum swings: the “Glory and Praise” phase; the “hymn sandwich” phase; and the “baroque tracker organ” phase.
Today starts a Novena to Our Lady of Good Success. Curiously, there is an Antiphon included towards the end of each day’s prayers which looks very similar to this one.
This past week, I appeared on the Nikhil Hogan show to talk about Gregorian rhythm and the Vatican edition.
Isn’t it wonderful to come back to rehearsals after a brief Christmas recess and realize Easter doesn’t come until April 20? It’s tempting to be very relaxed about progress, but I’m trying to keep a sense of momentum. Though I will probably spend a bit of extra time working on vocal production issues with my […]
This English adaptation uses a Tetrardus mode, as does the authentic Gregorian Chant version.
Since a new month has arrived, it’s my pleasure to remind you that…
Includes Dr. Buchholz’s obituary for William Mahrt: “A Gentleman, a Scholar, and a Friend”
I have a confession to make…
I don’t pretend to have an answer to this question.
A choir member visits the FSSP in Normandy, France and is overjoyed to hear the full choir raining down chant and polyphony throughout the Church building. She recommends Sunday Mass if you’re on pilgrimage.
This is definitely a piece worth bringing out for choirs of all sizes!
Readers have expressed interest in examining the “music list” I prepared for this coming Sunday.
Corpus Christi Watershed is a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to exploring and embodying as our calling the relationship of religion, culture, and the arts. This non-profit organization employs the creative media in service of theology, the Church, and Christian culture for the enrichment and enjoyment of the public.