HIS COMING Sunday—15 December 2024—is the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C. Some have expressed interest in perusing my “ORDER OF MUSIC.” If such a thing interests you, feel free to download it as a PDF file. You’ll notice we’re learning Moreau’s “Congregational Polyphonic Enhancement” for the OUR FATHER. We also have a polyphonic extension (by William Byrd) for the KYRIE, a polyphonic extension (by Zipoli) for the AGNUS DEI, and a polyphonic extension for the SANCTUS (by Father Cristóbal de Morales). For the record, our Offertory hymn is particularly beautiful, as is the ENTRANCE CHANT in the first mode. I really wish I could find time to provide some audio examples of my choir here in Michigan, because they’re sounding so beautiful.
Wonderful Website • My choir relies heavily upon the feasts website, which I add to each week. If you’ve never clicked on that website, below is a sample of how it looks. Click on each folder to ‘open’ the contents: