ICHARD J. CLARK, Archdiocesan Director of Music and Director of Music of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, was featured in the Boston Pilot Newspaper on 6 December 2024. Here’s part of what he wrote: “Finally, I wish to note that my most important vocation is not that of a musician but as a husband and a father to my four children. Bringing small children to Mass can be an exasperating challenge for parents. We’ve been there, and it gets better. Many priests, including Msgr. Kevin J. O’Leary, the rector of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, remind parents that babies and young children are absolutely welcome at Mass. The sound of crying infants or sometimes unruly children is a joyful sound, for it means the church is alive! A silent church building is a dying church. If babies cry during one of our carefully prepared choir pieces, I can only smile.”
Photographic Proof • I actually know Maestro Clark personally, and here’s photographic proof taken in Los Angeles:
With Father Valentine Young, I exclaim: “At least I can say I know famous people!”