THE Baronius Press Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary is meant to provide a simpler way to participate in the Liturgical Prayer of the Church, but it does so from the standpoint of someone already well versed in the Divine Office. One illustration of this is that the collects are truncated, finishing with “&c.” This works in a missal where one is listening to the priest reciting the collect, but when the reader is the one reading the prayer then you’re sunk.

To be fair, the Baronius Press Little Office book does come with a one page summary of the different endings as a loose page. I confess I have not seen my copy for a long time, so here is another which I hope resembles the missing page:
* * 1 page PDF Collect Conclusions
This has been answered a few times elsewhere on the internet, but I think this is the first one to provide a printable PDF.
- Fr Z posts the question and leaves it to his commenters to supply the answer, which they do admirably.
- Roman Liturgy gives this extract from the GIRM.
- Divinum Officium gives the full collects, though I can’t see any list with the endings collected together. I include it here to bring this list up to three dot points, as two looks a bit short.