T IS A GREAT paradox that, pretending to honor the “spirit” of Vatican II, many post-conciliar reformers flagrantly contradict its specific mandates. For example, Vatican II solemnly declared: “No other person, even if he be a priest, may add, remove, or change anything in the Liturgy on his own authority.” And yet, the post-conciliar reformers have denigrated and (virtually) eliminated the very texts of the sacred liturgy to such an extent that 95% of churches never sing, proclaim, or even read the Propria Missae. For example, how many Catholics (who attend the Ordinary Form) could recite from memory a single Introit antiphon? How many Catholics (who attend the Ordinary Form) have never—in their entire lives—heard even one Offertory antiphon?
“Lætare Sunday” • Consider this coming Sunday, which is LAETARE SUNDAY—the special day in Lent when priests wear rose-colored vestments. Why is it called “Lætare” Sunday? The reason is because the Propria Missæ speak of rejoicing. The Introit begins: “Lætáre, Jerúsalem … gaudéte cum lætítia” The Introit verse says: “Lætátus sum…” The Gradual begins: “Lætátus sum…” The Offertory antiphon begins: “Laudáte Dóminum…”
Rehearsal Video • To assist my volunteer choir, I have attempted to create this rehearsal videos for this coming Sunday’s INTROIT, sung according to the official rhythm of the Catholic Church:
M Direct link to video: https://ccwatershed.org/41871/
We’ve Been Here Before • It is true that I lament (above) the way that the post-conciliar Church has virtually abandoned the Mass Propers, in spite of what Vatican II said. But it’s okay. Our Church has seen hard times before, and we can rebuild. After all, Saint John Vianney himself did not even grow up with the Roman Rite—although I think he eventually adopted it—owing to a number of catastrophic events that transformed the Church in France before he was born.
A 2023 ‘live’ recording by a volunteer choir:
M Direct link to video: https://ccwatershed.org/41776/