HOSE WHO HAVE STOOD before any group of singers—whether large or small—realize that directing a church choir is no easy task. Moreover, they are keenly aware that the last thing needed by church musicians is another collection of goofy, syrupy, mawkish hymns. We require a hymnal based on the authentic treasury of Catholic hymnody, featuring timeless and robust melodies, with accurate translations by priests and bishops. And this is what Sophia Institute Press provides, with the Brébeuf Collection. A new era of church music has arrived!
Pew Edition • Forty-Two (42) sample pages:
Choral Supplement • Nine (9) sample pages:
Accompaniment Volumes • Six (6) sample pages:
The Brébeuf collection is sold exclusively by Sophia Institute Press, using special paper from Finland. Plastic shrink-wrap is used to protect this precious delivery:
A fascinating full-color section includes the ARCH (“Authentic Roman Catholic History”) of vernacular hymnody—with beautiful illustrations:
The Brébeuf hymnal is truly unique; it does not mimic or “build upon” Protestant models. Sixteen (16) instructions at the beginning of the book explain:
The Brébeuf hymnal includes three (3) versions of the Stations of the Cross: one by Father Fulton J. Sheen, one by Cardinal Ratzinger, and one by Alphonsus Liguori: