TUNNED. The Catholic world was stunned when Bishop Michael F. Burbidge officially issued a series of punishments for Catholics who took seriously what POPE SAINT JOHN PAUL II called “rightful aspirations” which must be “guaranteed respect” by “bishops and of all those engaged in the pastoral ministry in the Church.” The actions taken by Bishop Burbidge seem to violate Canon law. Some have drawn comparisons between Bishop Burbidge’s actions and those of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who placed Japanese-Americans into concentration camps during WW2.1
Bingo Games? • Bishop Michael F. Burbidge has forbidden eight (8) parishes from publishing the times of EF Masses in their bulletins, on their parish websites, or on their social media pages. Yet, those same parishes are allowed by Bishop Burbidge to publish the times for parish Bingo games. What does that say about Bishop Burbidge’s belief in the Real Presence? Why is it okay to publish the time of a Bingo game, but forbidden to publish the time when the SECOND PERSON OF THE DIVINE TRINITY will offer Himself to God the Father? Vatican II (Lumen Gentium, §11) declared: “Taking part in the Eucharistic sacrifice, which is the fount and apex of the whole Christian life, they offer the Divine Victim to God, and offer themselves along with It.”
Bookmark This Link • Catholics in the Diocese of Arlington have decided—on their own—to let others know about the times and locations of the Holy Mass. Their actions are praiseworthy. Please consider bookmarking this link:
* Website • “Times + Locations” (Extraordinary Form)
—Traditional Latin Masses in the Diocese of Arlington.
Making An Example Of Them? • Some have described the actions of Bishop Burbidge as “sadistic.” Why did he make such a decision? Of course, we cannot know for sure—but one rumor says Bishop Burbidge had been advised to “make an example” of the Diocese of Arlington because Catholics there (perhaps more than any other diocese) were receiving so much spiritual nourishment from the Missale Vetustum. Nevertheless, the Extraordinary Form has not been completely prohibited although severe punishments were administered by Bishop Burbidge in an effort to marginalize “Summórum Catholics.”
1 For specifics, please see: Isolation Camps” for Summórum Catholics?