N 2019, HIS EMINENCE Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap. announced 2020 would begin the Year of the Eucharist in the Archdiocese of Boston. “The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.” (CCC, No. 1324) Little did we know what was in store for the entire world in 2020. Forced abstinence from the Eucharist heightened for many the appreciation of the sacraments. During this time of trial for all and inspired by the Cathedral of the Holy Cross’ quartet of singers, Richard J. Clark set four (4) well-loved Eucharistic texts from Saint Thomas Aquinas and Pope Innocent III.* With USCCB Eucharistic Revival, these new choral works are especially timely. These motets are for four voices (SATB) with no divisi, so smaller ensembles may perform them.
This marvelous score (34 pages) is now available on Amazon:
* Amazon Link • “Four Eucharistic Motets” (SATB)
—A joint publication by RJC Cecilia Music and Corpus Christi Watershed.
In The Media • “Four Eucharistic Motets” appear on the album From the Bell Tower by the Boston Cathedral Singers (available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc.). The album and the “Four Eucharistic Motets” were featured by Rome Reports TV News Agency.
I. Ave verum corpus:

M * Direct YouTube URL.
II. Adore te devote:

M * Direct YouTube URL.
III. Pange lingua:

M * Direct YouTube URL.
IV. O sacrum convivium:

M * Direct YouTube URL.
ICHARD J. CLARK, an exceedingly versatile and eclectic musician, is highly regarded as a composer of sacred music in particular for the Roman Rite. His choral and instrumental works have been performed worldwide. His choral works have been performed under the baton of Grammy-winning conductor Fernando Malvar-Ruiz with The American Boychoir, Jennifer Lester (The Seraphim Singers), and John Robinson (Saint Paul’s Choir School). The Boston Globe has called Clark’s music and that of the Holy Cross Cathedral’s choir “stirring” and “profound.” He is the founder of RJC Cecilia Music and RJC Cecilia Records. He has served as conductor and clinician for the Sacred Music Symposium run by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in Los Angeles. Mr. Clark currently serves as Archdiocesan and Cathedral DIRECTOR OF MUSIC and ORGANIST at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. A New York native, he lives with his wife and four children just outside of Boston, Massachusetts.
* Richard J. Clark would like to thank John Dunn, Director of Music Emeritus of the Saint Paul’s Choir School and Jeff Ostrowski, President of Corpus Christi Watershed for editorial assistance in this publication.