ILLI APEL, in his famous book on Gregorian chant, declared that “nobody knows anything about Gregorian rhythm” (page 126). During Sacred Music Symposium 2022, two scholars gave “dueling lectures” regarding the subject of Gregorian rhythm—and it would seem they disagree with Dr. Apel. During the conference, both lectures were referred to by ‘working’ titles which were later changed (when the lectures were published).*
First Lecture: The first lecture by Jeff Ostrowski deals with Gregorian rhythm from the perspective—generally speaking—of those who value Dom Pothier’s theories. [Mr. Ostrowski’s talk is also available on YouTube with chapter marks.]

Second Lecture: The second lecture by Professor Weaver deals with Gregorian rhythm from the perspective—generally speaking—of those who value Dom Mocquereau’s theories:

Challenge To Readers: If you enjoy these lectures, go leave a comment in the Facebook Combox. If there’s enough interest in these lectures (as demonstrated by comments in the Facebook Combox), we will release another presentation from Sacred Music Symposium 2022. Specifically, we will release the talk called: “How To Read The Editio Vaticana,” given on Monday night.
* Jeff Ostrowski’s lecture was called “Why Dom Pothier’s Rhythm Is Worthy of Your Consideration and Dom Mocquereau’s Is Not.” Professor Weaver’s lecture was called “Why Dom Mocquereau’s Rhythm Is Worthy of Your Consideration and Dom Pothier’s Is Not.”