HE MOST HORRENDOUS chanting I’ve ever heard (surprisingly) did not come from Christian circles; it actually came from the Jewish tradition. Instead of chanting the words of the Bible, a Jewish cantor and rabbi decided to chant the words of the RUTH BADER GINSBURG (a justice of the Supreme Court added by Bill Clinton) who went to her own judgment on 18 September 2020.
Watergate Anyone? The Supreme Court has been in the news lately. It seems Roe Vs. Wade might be overturned. Of course, our blog doesn’t discuss politics—but nevertheless, protecting every innocent life is without question the human rights issue of our generation. There is no “right to abortion” in the Constitution; it simply doesn’t exist. In America, nobody is supposed to be given the death penalty without due process. It’s astounding Roe Vs. Wade was ever enacted in the first place, but we should remember it took place when Watergate was at its height. That is to say, Watergate “shielded” this bizarre decision from the public. Readers are probably sick of me endlessly talking about Watergate … so I better stop.