Latin Mass • Conspicuous Snag in “Clarification”
Archbishop Roche says the ‘true’ parishioners are supposed to make it clear the EF people are lowest on the totem pole.
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
Archbishop Roche says the ‘true’ parishioners are supposed to make it clear the EF people are lowest on the totem pole.
I felt that the Listening and Discernment Guides would make something of a Christmas Party Diversion while my family was all gathered together. We had a lively discussion, following the Guides with a suitable lack of rigidity. I hope the synod itself will be as much fun for the bishops.
Vatican II said: “The treasury of sacred music is to be preserved and fostered with great care” (SC §114).
Archbishop Roche, current head of the CDW, stated during his video interview as follows: “The Church has given us the celebration of the Mass in two forms. The Ordinary Form is the Mass that was developed under blessed Pope Paul VI in the 1960s. […] The Extraordinary Form is another expression, which is older than […]
This statement by the “Una Voce” president strikes me as inaccurate.
“The Extraordinary Form is another expression (older than the 1969 Missal) and is a valid expression of the Church’s liturgy.” —Arthur Roche
Free scores and practice videos in English and Spanish for the Announcement of Easter and Moveable Feasts (Epiphany Proclamation)
I recorded all the voices, to demonstrate how it sounds…
I remember hearing folks say (erroneously): “Don’t cross out Christmas!”
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Vatican II said: “Pastors must see to it that Vespers is celebrated in parishes on Sundays and the more solemn feasts” (SC §100).
Louis Bouyer—the priest chosen to compose “Eucharistic Prayer II”—condemned the liturgical reforms when he saw the results.
Dr. Aaron James has a double doctorate from a reputable conservatory, which is quite impressive!
In addition to being a husband and father of 12 children, Mr. Frederes is a software engineer, pilot, and served as an organist & choirmaster 33 years.
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