Part 1 • “Starting Your Own Traditional Latin Mass”
Practical advice for how to start a Traditional Latin Mass in your city.
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
Practical advice for how to start a Traditional Latin Mass in your city.
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We have spoken quite a bit about “sung vs. spoken” antiphons. We have also noted that the texts of the Graduale Romanum sometimes don’t match the Missal texts (in the Extraordinary Form) because the Mass Propers are older than Saint Jerome’s Vulgate, and sometimes came from the ITALA versions of Sacred Scripture. On occasion, the […]
“Benedictus: The Traditional Catholic Companion” is an initiative of Sophia Institute Press.
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Some readers have had difficulty finding this article, which we scanned and posted circa 2008, so here it is: The Attack On The Vatican Edition: A Rejoinder The Styria Press (Graz and Vienna), 1907. Reprinted in Caecilia, Vol 87, No. 1 (Spring, 1960). The article is by Dr. Peter Wagner, a student of Father Michael […]
Sometimes I think we humans are becoming too smart—perhaps too smart for our own good.
This year, the priest at my parish will be offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ad orientem on Fridays during Lent. I wrote the following “explainer” to help my parishioners understand what’s going on and why.
We have scanned this extremely rare hymnal, granted Imprimatur by Francis Cardinal Spellman on 15 February 1954.
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Gregorian Chant does not follow the example of Baroque composers, who strongly emphasize (“slam”) the tonic accent. Cantus Gregorianus has a very sophisticated way of honoring the text—an approach which goes far beyond the “goo goo gah gah” approach of slamming the tonic accent. Thousands of examples in the Gregorian repertoire demonstrate this reality, but […]
Facilitating the chanting of the seven prefaces permitted by “Quo magis”
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I had the good fortune of being assigned to the same mission field twice: the first time in 1956 when I was first ordained.
We have witnessed the downfall of so many “famous” Catholics—including priests—who had pretended to be holy, but were caught committing terrible sins. In a particular way, EWTN was harmed because several of their biggest stars were exposed. I was thinking about whether something holy can be “tainted,” and what that means. Fulton Sheen made mistakes, […]
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A recent article—Glaring Omission from Post-Vatican II Lectionary—has generated enormous traffic, and has become one of our most popular articles. During that article, I made reference to our position on “political” articles. If anyone cares to know about my political views, please download: Only In Secret And With Horror. I have explained my views in […]
Learn about the amazing promises attached to this venerable devotion.
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