HE VATICAN’S Pontifical Council for Culture (PCC) has announced that it is organizing its fourth conference on sacred music. The PCC, which organized its last conference in September 2018, will host this event entirely online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The positive result is that attending the conference is now much easier for those who do not live in Rome.

The upcoming conference is only a few days away, scheduled for 4–5 February 2021. The virtual gathering is entitled Church and Music: Texts and Contexts , and it will include themes such as hermeneutics, translation, language, and form.
The announced program includes numerous presentations from a wide range of speakers, including:
“The Reverse of a Tapestry”: Text and Translation — Gianfranco Cardinal Ravasi (President of the Pontifical Council for Culture)
Sung Word, Spoken Word: Liturgical Forms — Jordì-A. Piqué Collado, OSB (Composer, organist, and monk of Montserrat)
Non-Verbal Language in the Liturgy — Pierangelo Muroni (Liturgy Faculty, Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo)
The conference will feature a message from the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and simultaneous English-Italian and Italian-English translation.
Registration for this conference closes on 29 January 2021. Sign up here.