HEN YOUNG CHURCH MUSICIANS emerge from the conservatory, they are filled with zeal. I wanted to sing every polyphonic piece ever written: Manchicourt, Pierre de la Rue, Marenzio, Lassus, Guerrero, Palestrina, the brothers Nanino, and so forth. I hated repeating pieces too frequently because I always wanted to be learning something new. 1 But one eventually realizes that pieces must be rehearsed repeatedly (even with professional singers) before the tuning “clicks”—perhaps because someone enjoying sight-reading can’t focus 100% on intonation. A mature choirmaster realizes that it is often better to sing a “simple” Mass setting, rather than a very difficult one. Shortly before the death of Pope Pius XII, the Sacred Congregation for Rites issued De musica sacra et sacra liturgia (3 September 1958):
“In general, it is better to do something well on a small scale than to attempt something elaborate without sufficient resources to do it properly.”—§60a
That, my friends, is the raison d’etre for this extremely simple yet absolutely gorgeous setting of the Requiem Mass: KYRIE, SANCTUS-HOSANNA, BENEDICTUS-HOSANNA, and AGNUS DEI. It is basically the same piece repeated five times:

If you have ever attended a Solemn Requiem Mass, you will never forget it. The holiness of the prayers—truly marvelous. The black vestments in particular are so very powerful. I have seen black & gold vestments, but my absolute favorite is black & silver. Stunning! The Requiem Mass demands a distinctive musical setting; an “ordinary” Ordinary won’t do…and please pardon the pun!
Requiem • “Kyrie Eleison”
* PDF Download • REQUIEM KYRIE (Simple)
—After “Missa pro defunctis” (1605AD) by Father Tomás Luis de Victoria (d. 1611).The following rehearsal videos were recorded by one person—Jeff Ostrowski—and he apologizes for the poor singing quality, but they were meant for rehearsal only.
EQUAL VOICES : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
1st SOPRANO : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
2nd SOPRANO : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
ALTO : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
1st TENOR : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
2nd TENOR : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
BASS : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
Requiem • “Sanctus & Benedictus”
* PDF Download • REQUIEM SANCTUS (Simple)
—After “Missa pro defunctis” (1605AD) by Father Tomás Luis de Victoria (d. 1611).The following rehearsal videos were recorded by one person—Jeff Ostrowski—and he apologizes for the poor singing quality, but they were meant for rehearsal only.
EQUAL VOICES : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
1st SOPRANO : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
2nd SOPRANO : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
ALTO : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
1st TENOR : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
2nd TENOR : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
BASS : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
Requiem • “Agnus Dei”
* PDF Download • REQUIEM AGNUS DEI (Simple)
—After a manuscript (circa 1310AD) in the Worcester Cathedral Library.
EQUAL VOICES : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
TOP : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
MIDDLE : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
BASS : YouTube • Mp3 Labeled
* You can hear how this Agnus Dei sounds in real life by listening to this live recording from a Funeral.
See also: #88089 — 3-part Medieval “Worcester” Agnus Dei
1 Such an attitude is natural and healthy for a young choirmaster.