OU MIGHT remember me taking about seasonal melodies for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The YouTube algorithms sent me one of those, which guided me to an interested YouTube channel called SERVIAM SCORES. Mr. James J. Richardson, the gentleman who runs SERVIAM SCORES, also maintains a YouTube page containing organ recordings. Satan was the one who said Non Serviam (“I will not serve”). But SERVIAM SCORES reverses that disobedience: Serviam (“I will serve”).
Mr. Richardson has quite a beautiful voice:

I see that he also recorded Stella Caeli Exstirpavit (Gregorian Chant During Times Of Pestilence), which we recently featured sung by young ladies from the Brébeuf Virtual Choir. Again, Mr. Richardson’s voice strikes me as quite beautiful:

SERVIAM SCORES does not currently have a website, but someday they will. They have produced numerous scores, and here’s a sample:
In spite of the utter devastation caused by Covid-19, I am encouraged to see more and more projects like SERVIAM SCORES. James J. Richardson can be reached at: ServiamScores@gmail.com.