HE STRENGTH of Corpus Christi Watershed is the vast number of supporters all over the world: you, in other words! From the very depths of my heart, on behalf of our entire team of volunteers, I thank you for your support and sacrifices. Our readers quite literally give the widow’s mite; we have no endowment and zero large donors. We are completely funded by generous Catholics who give $5.00 per month. Today, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, I have exciting news. A plan which has been formulated for quite some time has officially begun! You can read all about it in this presidential memo:
* PDF Download • MEMORANDUM (19 June 2020)
It’s better to read directly from the PDF, but you can also read these JPEG files:
OU WILL BE observing many changes over the next few months. If you want to immediately begin “getting the ball rolling,” please switch your monthly donations from PayPal to Cornerstone, unless using PayPal is the only option you have. Thank you!!!
Regarding what my letter says about the Feast of the Sacred Heart, here is documentation:
We did not plan to make this announcement on the Feast of the Sacred Heart—it was a coincidence. It’s difficult to avoid seeing Divine Providence here.