ITH SO MANY serious problems in our society, it’s difficult to understand why Most Reverend Peter Christensen (Bishop of Boise, Idaho) is attempting to ban “ad orientem” celebration, which is a 100% valid option in the Ordinary Form. Bishop Christensen began his recent letter by saying: “Sources such as independent websites and social media platforms that are unaffiliated with the Holy See or the USCCB are not to be considered trustworthy or appropriate for catechesis.” Yet my colleague recently revealed flagrant plagiarism from a private blog:
* Bishop’s “Ad Orientem” Ban Was Plagiarized
Concealing his source was troubling…even worse were false statements:
* Six (6) Regrettable Mistakes by Boise’s Bishop
The false statements were sloppy (such as Number Five). By failing to disclose his plagiarism, I feel that Bishop Christensen now “owns” the errors.
In addition to what my colleague previously documented, I’ve discovered more plagiarism from a private blog:
Celebration ad orientem is an awesome part of our Catholic heritage:
Forbid ad orientem celebration? Why?
I hate to even suggest this, but … are people afraid the congregation will remember the priest is praying to God, and not to them?