UNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of rehearsal videos have been posted at the Saint Jean de Brébeuf website, and we are just getting started. The fourth verse says: Sacro pati pro Nómine, | Summi sit instar múneris: | Amára non mors ámplius, | Fit mors per hoc amábilis. Translated into English, that means:
“To suffer for the holy name,
let it be worth the highest gift:
bitter no more is death,
by it death becomes lovable.”
Corrinne and Veronica helped record this rehearsal video:
Rehearsal videos for each individual voice await you at #554.
The Brébeuf pew edition provides a literal English translation of Victis Sibi Cognomina, which is quite a beautiful hymn. The translation was done by an FSSP priest. This hymn is often used for the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Better late than never, right?