ATHER PETER GEE was my first chant teacher. I knew him as a Deacon for the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. Later, he was ordained and became our Pastor. He had a really beautiful voice. He ended up leaving the Fraternity—I believe he became a diocesan priest in England. I remember that Fr. Gee did not like the United States very much…at least compared to England. I was so blessed to serve (often) as his M.C. for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and he said Mass extremely carefully—and extremely well. 1
I have not heard from him in more than 20 years, but I stumbled across this image:

It’s easy to determine which one is Fr. Gee—the other two are reading from a card, but Fr. Gee (needless to say) has the prayers memorized. What a beautiful image; I love the colors. Is it just me, or does England have extremely beautiful churches?
1 I would like to meet him again some day, but I don’t know if that will ever happen. That is in the Hands of God.