E DO NOT USUALLY advertise jobs, but today I make an exception. That’s because a dear friend of mine asked me to help FSSP San Diego locate a choirmaster—I replied, “Father, I’ll do what I can to help spread the word.”
Before I continue, the worst thing you can do would be to contact me about this position. Potential candidates must send an email to Fr. John Lyons, FSSP. 1 Don’t email me.
I recommend going to the parish website and exploring the photo galleries:
* * St. Anne Parish Website (San Diego)
• The position is salaried. It would begin at the present minimum level for an exempt worker in California—about $50,000. By next year that goes up another $4,000.
• The position qualifies for diocesan benefits.
• There’s one sung Mass on Sunday.
• There would be several other days throughout the year when the choir would be expected to sing: holy days, First Communion, Holy Week, and so forth. There are also weddings and funerals (for which the director would be paid extra).
• There would be one rehearsal during the week for the adult choir (and again just before Mass).
• There would be training of the choristers once a week, and an introductory music class for younger children.
• Since the last message was sent we have lost our organist. If one can both direct and play the organ that would be a plus, but not absolutely necessary to fill the position.
• There are maybe 12 members in the choir at present. There is presently no chorister program. We lost several of the younger voices when they went away to college. The rest of the members are more middle aged. The program needs rebuilding.
Fr. Lyons made this position available a few weeks ago. I was curious whether the position had been filled, since I direct at the FSSP parish in Los Angeles. It seems Father Lyons offered the position to one of the candidates, but that person later decided not to accept. So they are still looking…although people who applied a few weeks ago are still being considered. (At least that’s my understanding.)

1 Full disclosure: I have never met the Pastor (Fr. Lyons, FSSP), but he’s a highly respected member of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. Indeed, his reputation is stellar.