ONSIGNOR RONALD KNOX is definitely in the “Top Five” when it comes to men who have influenced the creation of the Saint Jean de Brébeuf Hymnal. The Breviary translations by Msgr. Knox—which so few people today know about—are absolutely fantastic and sui generis. Each word is carefully chosen, and he often brings out hidden meanings from the Pre-Urbanite versions in ways only a genius could. Moreover, Knox was heavily involved with the creation of the New Westminster Hymnal; something confirmed by his biographer, Evelyn Waugh. 1
We can reveal more about our project once the Brébeuf Hymnal has been released…and it’s very close to hitting the market. Perhaps as soon as October!
One of the committee members sent me the voice of Msgr. Knox, giving a splendid lecture:
* * Mp3 Download • “The Incarnation and Childhood” (Ronald Knox)
By the way, I love his accent; especially the way he pronounces “history” and “theory.” Knox was a close friend of the young Fulton J. Sheen, and it’s not hard to imagine the influence the older priest had on the younger preacher:

One of these days, I hope some brilliant author comes out with a modern biography of Knox—it would be a bestseller!
1 The New Westminster Hymnal—in terms of what they set out to do in that era and how they went about accomplishing their goal—was a major inspiration for our project.