“It was the most wonderful experience I have had in a long time, for it both introduced me to knowledge which I could not otherwise easily acquire, and also connected me with the most wonderful people who brought a taste of the strength of the medieval musical school to the present day. I will be processing it for a long time, and hope that I will be able to retain even a fraction of the experience.”
—2018 Participant from New Hampshire
HEN IT COMES to making choir recordings, I go back and forth. On the one hand, microphones never accurately reproduce the true choral sound—the recorded sound is harsh and “flat” compared to the true choral sound we hear when physically present in the church. On the other hand, choir recordings can serve as a nice “memento” or “reminder” of wonderful experiences and awesome friends.
Here is a live excerpt from the final Symposium Mass, which took place last Friday evening. It is Kevin Allen’s AGNUS DEI conducted by Dr. Horst Buchholz:
About 450 people attended the Mass on Friday night—which is pretty amazing when you consider how most Americans choose to spend their Friday evening.