AST SUNDAY, 6 May 2018, Solemn Mass was offered by Rev. Gerard Saguto at the FSSP Apostolate in Los Angeles. Fr. Saguto is FSSP District Superior in the United States:

Insanity has been described as “doing the same over and over while expecting different results.” Time and again I have tried to make clear that pocket recordings do not faithfully reproduce choral sound. In real life, the sounds I hear are absolutely luscious and absolutely glorious. Yet, when I hear a playback from a pocket recording device—such as my iPhone—I hear terrible distortion. The playback too often sounds harsh, trashy, and “flattened.”
But I never learn my lesson…and I continue to post excerpts because I want to give an idea of what we do here in Los Angeles. You can hear some iPhone recordings of the singing courtesy of the “TLM LA” YouTube channel. (The Communion Hymn at the 4:00 marker came out nicely.)
Pocket recording devices do not reproduce choral sound with anything approaching accuracy.