EOPLE HAVE BEEN ASKING how our committee could possibly work on a single hymnal for five years. (Reminder: I’m part of an international team creating a hymnal dedicated to St. Jean de Brébeuf.) Because our task involves art and theology, sometimes a single word can be argued over for weeks! 1
The Brébeuf hymnal also carefully chooses melodies. Do you see how the following tune (“Old Hundredth”) can be used in the Tenor voice?
REHEARSAL VIDEOS for each individual voice & PDF score await you at #90771.
IT MAKES ME SAD that some readers won’t click on the above link (#90771).
…where you can download the PDF score.
…where you can access individual rehearsal videos.
…where you can get all verses in Latin and English, with a literal translation, too.
But many won’t follow that link, which makes me glum.
1 Contrariwise, I’m often astounded at the sloppiness in productions by “big” Catholic publishers. A recent GIA hymnal doesn’t even examine whether the rhyme scheme matches, when texts are cobbled together.