AST WEEK I MADE A SHORT VIDEO about how easy it is to use Benjamin Bloomfield’s GABC Propers Tool. I used the online tool to make a booklet interleaving the propers and the ordinaries in under five minutes.
One comment was that this method lacked the ability to add linebreaks. But you can add linebreaks! This Sunday’s propers provided two opportunities to showcase this ability. Here I run through finding the best points to insert linebreaks.
The links in case you would like to try this out yourself:
I used the Traditional Calendar setting and chose the First Sunday After Epiphany (Holy Family), full propers, PDF (Further Options). Then in Illuminare I selected a width of 4.5 inches and height of 9 inches. I print these out scaled up to fit the page to be easy to read.
And the text of the changes to the code:
At the end of the Alleluia I changed:
Sal(gh)vá(fvEDef/gfhvGF’g)tor.(g.) (;) (hgjvvIH’kvJH’hg.) (,) (hvGF’EDgv.fg!hvhgjvIH’hg.) (::)
Sal(gh)vá(fvEDef/gfhvGF’g)tor.(g.) (;) (hgjvvIH’kvJH’hg.) (,)(z) (hvGF’EDgv.fg!hvhgjvIH’hg.) (::)
In the Gradual I ended up adding in a z into this line:
Dó(hg/hf/g_f)mi(ef)ni(f.) (;) óm(h)ni(g)bus(h)
resulting in this:
Dó(hg/hf/g_f)mi(efz)ni(f.) (;) óm(h)ni(g)bus(h)
And here are the before and after shots: