OBERT CARDINAL SARAH was appointed by Pope Francis as Prefect for the Vatican’s CONGREGATION FOR DIVINE WORSHIP on 23 November 2014. According to a press release (18 December 2017) by the Remnant Newspaper, Cardinal Sarah will celebrate the Traditional Mass on 21 May 2018:
They claim this will be an Extraordinary Form Pontifical Mass:

Their headline says “Cardinal Sarah to Celebrate TLM.” And they placed the same wording on their poster (above).
Here’s the full statement posted on the official website of the Remnant:
Cardinal Sarah to Celebrate TLM, Chartres Pilgrimage 2018
Notre-Dame de Chretiente (NDC)—the organization responsible for what the late, great Michael Davies described as the ‘most important annual event in Christendom’—the Chartres Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres, France—has announced that Robert Cardinal Sarah will offer the Pontifical High Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres at the next pilgrimage to Chartres, May 21, 2018.
A NDC statement announcing this most welcome development, reads: “We sincerely thank Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, for having accepted to come and join us on pilgrimage. We are happy to organize this event, which will be an important landmark in the history of our pilgrimage.”
The Remnant Tours—which has partnered with Notre Dame de Chretiente in organizing the U.S. contingent on the Pilgrimage to Chartres for the past 27 years—is delighted with this news and shares in NDC’s joy that such a high-ranking curial cardinal will show such high-profile support for the Traditional Latin Mass movement, not just in France, but throughout the whole world by taking on such a key role in the next Chartres Pilgrimage.
The Remnant Tours is currently accepting registrations for this event, which will be the heart of our pilgrimage package (to also include Tours, the Loire Valley, the site of the Holy Face apparition Lisbon and Fatima).
I hope this is not a hoax—but friends of mine have confirmed that it will indeed happen. If so, I say: DEO GRATIAS!
From a “church politics” point of view, this might not be the smartest move—but Cardinal Sarah is someone who often goes without food and water for three days straight, and doesn’t seem overly concerned about political maneuvering.